Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa 2024-06-29T22:12:37+07:00 Made Suryanatha Prabawa Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">Undagi is a scientific communication media for researchers in the field of architecture and also plays a role as a media to publicize the results of the research results of lecturers and researchers in the field of architecture. This journal was originally named UNDAGI and began publishing in the printed version of 2013 with the ISSN number 2338-0454. In 2017, this journal was published online and the print number ISSN online was <a href=";1499220698&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2581-2211</a> and the name of the journal was changed to Undagi: Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa. Undagi: Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa, received the manuscript with a focus on research results and literature reviews in the field of architecture with the scope of the study, namely: (1) Architectural Conservation: building conservation and cultural landscape; (2) Anthropology Architecture: vernacular architecture, dwelling architecture, traditional architecture; (3) Building Science: tectonic in traditional architecture and the system of a building; (4) Urban Planning: space and place in architecture. Manuscripts received are in accordance with the focus and scope of the Undagi Journal. The author must register to be able to enter the manuscript into the undagi journal. Authors must enter the manuscript in accordance with the undagi journal template format provided. The first assessment is carried out by the section editor, namely conformity with focus and scope, template format and turnitin results. The editor has the right to refuse if the manuscript does not meet the criteria of the initial assessment or repair before uploading it again. The next step is the text will be reviewed by reviewers using the Review Guidelines. The reviewer has the right to refuse, accept with minor or major repairs. The review phase is done the fastest for three months. This journal is indexed google scholar and uses the application of Mendeley in the citation.</p> PLANNING AND DESIGN COHOUSING FACILITIES WITH NATURE IN DENPASAR 2024-06-29T11:57:55+07:00 I Made Windhu Langun Sastra Ida Bagus Gede Parama Putra I Gede Surya Darmawan I Nyoman Nuri Arthana Putu Gede Wahyu Satya Nugraha <p><em>Millennials in Bali are facing difficulties in home ownership, with around 30% of the population without a place to live. To meet the need for housing that supports open social life, the development of Co-housing in Denpasar is important. Co-housing is designed to provide shared spaces that maintain the privacy of residents while facilitating social interaction. However, co-housing designs face issues such as space constraints, privacy, and cultural integration. Ensuring compliance with environmental regulations is also a challenge. The design process uses a combined approach of Research Method and Design Method, focusing on maximizing minimal space and utilizing connecting elements. The use of green concrete is expected to reduce CO2 emissions and create a comfortable environment for residents. Co-housing is expected to be a sustainable solution to Bali's housing needs.</em></p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Penerapan Konsep Metafora Pada Pusat Wisata Edukasi Geopark Batur Di Kintamani 2024-06-29T11:59:54+07:00 Ni Putu Nadya Darma Putri I Nyoman Nuri Arthana I Gede Surya Darmawan Ida Bagus Gede Parama Putra Km. Deddy Endra Prasandya Prasandya <p><em>Batur Geopark is one of the Geoparks that has been registered as a UNESCO Global Geopark. However, public interest in knowledge related to geoparks is still low, especially in terms of education, therefore it is necessary to develop a more modern and attractive batur geopark educational tourism center to increase public interest and knowledge related to geoparks, so the application of the concept of metaphor and contemporary architectural themes was chosen. so that in the process using several concepts including zoning concepts, entrance concepts, mass concepts, circulation concepts, outdoor space concepts, contemporary architectural themes, so that in the process using several concepts including zoning concepts, entrance concepts, mass concepts, circulation concepts, outdoor space concepts, indoor space concepts, facade concepts, structural concepts and utility concepts, the purpose of this development is to provide a fun and educational place for people who will come to the facility to get to know the natural and cultural wealth that exists in the geopark.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Penerapan Arsitektur Biophilic pada Pusat Kecantikan di Canggu 2024-06-29T12:02:28+07:00 Ni Putu Ayu Sri Wahyuni I Wayan Widanan I Ketut Sugihantara Pande Putu Dwi Novigga Artha <p><em>A dynamic lifestyle and various daily routine activities, especially in urban areas, will gradually bring people to a point of saturation such as stress and depression. Therefore, everyone does various things to overcome the feeling of saturation point that they experience. What can be done to reduce the feeling of saturation point is to do me time. Me time can be done with various activities, one of which is carrying out comprehensive beauty treatments. The purpose of this research is to produce a design concept for a Beauty Center in which there are various comprehensive beauty treatments integrated within one site. The planning of this beauty center will apply the concept of biophilic architecture so that it can create a space in harmony with nature which can help the relaxation process. The methods used are literature studies, precedent studies, and field observations. The results of the research are the application of biophilic architecture to entrances, outdoor spaces, interior spaces and building facade.</em></p> 2024-06-29T09:53:57+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Rinjani National Park Visitor Center Sebagai Pendukung Pengembangan Pariwisata 2024-06-29T12:03:31+07:00 Ida Wayan Sastra Adinata Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri I Wayan Runa I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan Nyoman Ratih Prabandari <p><em>Tourism in Indonesia, particularly in the Rinjani National Park (TNGR) in East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, has significant potential but faces several challenges. These include a lack of comprehensive information and promotion centers, limited tourism activities to encourage local potential development, and low participation from the local community. To address these issues, this research aims to design the Rinjani National Park Visitor Center as an integrated information and promotion center, as well as tourist accommodation serving as a platform for empowering the local community.</em></p> <p><em>This project is located in the village of Sembalun Lawang, Sembalun District, East Lombok. The project aims to address the challenges in tourism sector development by creating a visitor center in East Lombok Regency as an integrated information and promotion facility in the Rinjani National Park (TNGR), through strategies such as increased promotion, tour package regulations, infrastructure development, and empowerment of local human resources. It is hoped that this new facility will increase tourist visits to TNGR. Additionally, it is expected to make a positive contribution to national tourism development and the welfare of the local community.</em></p> 2024-06-29T11:02:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN PUSAT REHABILITASI NARKOBA DI DENPASAR 2024-06-29T11:46:07+07:00 I Gede Mas Giri Hari Purnama Sidhi I Nyoman Gede Maha Putra I Putu Hartawan I Kadek Merta Wijaya Made Mas Surya Wiguna <p><em>Rehabilitation is a program that aims to help sufferers of chronic illnesses, both physical and psychological, to recover. The Rehabilitation Center uses a variety of different methods for the patient, treatment is adjusted according to the patient's illness and the intricacies from the start of the patient. The patients who enter the rehabilitation center mostly suffer from low self-esteem and lack of positive outlook on life, therefore psychology plays a very big role in the Rehabilitation program, and it is also very important to protect the patient from friends and environments that allow the addiction to return against illegal drugs. </em></p> 2024-06-29T11:44:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Planning and Designing the Healing Center for Urban Stress in Denpasar. 2024-06-29T12:26:44+07:00 I Putu Eka Dana Prastiya Narayana Putra I Gede Surya Darmawan Ida Bagus Gede Parama Putra Kadek Tania Utami Putri <p><em>The Healing Center is a healing center for people affected by mental health disorders which involve psychological effects. Currently in Indonesia, especially in Bali, mental health is one of the problems that must be addressed, it's just that our society still often remembers the importance of mental health. It has been proven that the number of people suffering from mental health disorders in Indonesia, especially in Bali, is quite high. This is the urgency of providing Healing Center Facilities as a healing medium for people with mental health disorders. Providing an educational area in the Healing Center Design is also very important, explaining how to empower individuals or local communities to be able to maintain their mental health in facing situations. anything, especially in life. There is great hope that the provision of this Healing Center Facility will be able to reduce the number of people suffering from mental health disorders and make this facility an education for the wider community about the importance of maintaining mental health. </em></p> 2024-06-29T12:26:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa PENERAPAN RUMAH SUSUN UNTUK MEMECAHKAN MASALAH KEPADATAN PENDUDUK DI KAMPUNG CUMPAT SURABAYA 2024-06-29T13:49:52+07:00 Jeremy Ferlindo Aditya Darmansjah Tjaja Prakarsa Joko Santoso <p><em>Surabaya is the second metropolitan city after Jakarta which is encountering fast development in different fields, particularly in framework advancement and natural offices and foundation. Framework advancement in a space will have positive and adverse consequences. The positive side is that framework advancement affects expanding the nature of the area and furthermore working on individuals' government assistance. What's more, the negative side is that this advancement will affect changes in land use and the potential for expulsion or obliteration of existing normal assets. The effect that happens is that land in specific regions, for instance horticultural regions, manors, or hydroponics, will bring about the conclusion of individuals' wellsprings of business. Consequently metropolitan improvement doesn't necessarily in all cases give advantages to the local area. Nonetheless, improvement that is more in light of a legitimate concern for the local area and doesn't harm the climate is a positive part that should be finished by the public authority to foster the city. In view of this, this examination was transferred to tackle issues in the Cumpat Town region, Surabaya, meaning to decrease populace thickness and neighborhood land with a plan framework in Cumpat Town to become Pads</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa DESIGN OF A DIGITAL INTERACTIVE ART GALLERY IN SURABAYA WITH A MODERN ARCHITECTURAL APPROACH 2024-06-29T14:10:15+07:00 Azi Setia Pramuja Tigor WSP Farida Murti <p><em>In this millennial era, many children want to experience an identity crisis due to social media that makes them </em><em>In this millennial era, many children want to experience an identity crisis due to social media that makes them </em><em>tech savvy, from this, many make the creative economy sector also offset what is in demand from young people today, one of which is the art gallery that raises art with interactive concepts with digital media that are many interesting visitor interest.</em> <em>From the conditions above, the creative economy sector is starting to develop its wings and innovate to follow trends for the needs of this social media event, such as making many contemporary products that are in demand and places to visit&nbsp; instagrammable , one of which is in the arts sector</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-29T14:10:13+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Implementing the Polaris Constellation Concept in the Redesign of Seaport Mentigi 2024-06-29T14:45:57+07:00 Kesha Gde Adibhakta Kirana Ni Wayan Nurwarsih Agus Kurniawan Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana Made Arya Adiartha <p><em>Nusa Penida is a small island located southeast of Bali and is part of Klungkung Regency. The natural beauty of Nusa Penida is the main attraction for tourists. Although Nusa Penida has great tourism potential, transportation access to Nusa Penida is one of the challenges. Such as the lack of supporting facilities at the Port Terminal, which is relatively small in size while Nusa Penida experiences rapid growth in the number of tourists from year to year. One of them is the condition of Mentigi Port Terminal, where the infrastructure is poorly maintained and inadequate, making it inefficient to handle the increasing number of tourist ships and passengers, thus potentially hindering economic and tourism growth. Observation is the use of a method by observing and recording data on analyzed matters to enhance insight. Data collection through two-way communication (interviews) to gather information from relevant respondents where the interviewer directly asks questions about a researched object and previously designed data collection for research data collection. Literature Study is a study by collecting and recording data sourced from literature, journals, documents, etc., to obtain researched data. Currently, there is no suitable transportation center for tourists on Nusa Penida, especially the port in terms of facilities that do not follow current developments as a transportation hub on Nusa Penida Island. Therefore, Redesign of Mentigi Port Terminal are crucial because from year to year, tourists are very active and increasing in visiting Nusa Penida, so it is necessary to have a terminal and supporting facilities at the port to facilitate the increasing number of tourists so that they feel safe and comfortable in their first impression stepping foot on Nusa Penida.</em></p> 2024-06-29T14:24:22+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Perancangan Eco-Park Mangrove di Taman Hutan Raya Ngurah Rai 2024-06-29T15:36:30+07:00 I Gusti Ngurah Made Dharma Suputra Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana Agus Kurniawan Ni Wayan Nurwarsih Ni Wayan Nurwarsih Tjokorda Gede Dalem Suparsa <p><em>Bali has a mangrove forest with an area of 1,353 ha, which has been designated as a Grand Forest Park since 1993. The economic and environmental potential of this mangrove includes natural recreation, processed products, and ecosystem sustainability. Irresponsible use can damage ecosystems, affect sustainability, and threaten ecotourism. An ecotourism concept that pays attention to ecological sustainability is proposed as a solution, with the application of renewable materials such as bamboo and wood in the planning and design of tourist facilities. This approach aims to minimize damage to the mangrove ecosystem. The design of the Mangrove Ecopark in Tahura Ngurah Rai is expected to improve the local community's economy and support the development of sustainable natural tourism destinations in Bali. </em></p> 2024-06-29T15:16:58+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Agroindustri Cokelat Desa Ekasari Kecamatan Melaya Kabupaten Jembrana 2024-06-29T17:00:09+07:00 Arnoldus Made Dheo Virya Fabian Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani I Wayan Parwata Anak Agung Gede Raka Gunawarman <p><em>The Ekasari Village Chocolate Agro-Industry Center has a role in improving the local economy and introducing abundant chocolate cultivation through the development of the cocoa industry. This research aims to provide a place for plantation farming activities, introduce good chocolate cultivation and meet food needs from the processed products of the Agroindustry Center. The analysis phase includes a site study, analysis of functions, users, and activities, and evaluation of harmony with the environment. The design method uses synthesis and evaluation to obtain the best alternative. The appearance of the building illustrates the concept of biomimicry and ecological themes through the use of wood and steel structures. The results show the use of ironwood as a construction material that is resistant to humid climates. The implementation of the external and internal layout refers to the needs of function and comfort, with the selection of materials that are in accordance with the theme and concept. It is expected that the Agroindustry Center will become a center of attention for cocoa farmers and the general public, and encourage the development of the local cocoa industry. </em></p> 2024-06-29T15:58:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa PERENCANAAN DAN PERANCANGAN CHILDREN CENTER DENGAN PENDEKATAN PERILAKU DI DENPASAR BARAT 2024-06-29T17:40:04+07:00 Ni Wayan Dewi Widyawati Made Suryanatha Prabawa I Ketut Sugihantara Putri Ayu Devy Permata Sari <p>Early childhood is a group of children who experience a development process that has unique characteristics, including aspects of physical growth and development, intelligence, communication and social-emotional abilities. In general, each stage of a child's development has the same development pattern, but with different developmental achievements. Education for early childhood is very important to support children's development during the golden age. Apart from that, the large number of parents who are busy working is also the main reason why the existence of child care centers is important as a solution for providing temporary care to children when they are entrusted. West Denpasar is one of the sub-districts in Denpasar City which has a high population growth rate in early childhood but with inadequate distribution of educational and day care facilities. Therefore, it is necessary to have educational facilities that are directly integrated with child care, making it easier for parents to entrust their children. By using an approach that is related to user behavior, the building design will pay more attention to the safety and comfort of users, especially children as the main users in this Children's Center.</p> 2024-06-29T17:40:03+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Redesain Sport Center Gor Debes di Kabupaten Tabanan dengan Menerapan Konsep Arsitektur Kontemporer 2024-06-29T18:14:50+07:00 I Putu Wikan Pithamaha Ni Putu Ratih Pradnyaswari Anasta Putri I Wayan Runa I Wayan Wirya Sastrawan Putu Siskha Pradnyaningrum <p><em>The limitations of facilities and infrastructure have hindered the ability of sports in Tabanan Regency to achieve good performance at both regional and national levels. In addition, the lack of attention to the welfare of high-performing athletes has caused some athletes to choose to move elsewhere. From these issues, it is suggested to improve the existing sports facilities and infrastructure in Tabanan Regency through redesign. A Sport Center can be a sports building that accommodates sports activities including training, recreation, and competitions. This research is a qualitative descriptive research with data collection methods in the form of observation and literature study.The application of contemporary architecture that aims to be introduced in the redesign project of the sports center is a style of architecture that does not abandon traditional values but can appear modern according to the times. The application of contemporary architecture in the redesign of the Sports Center in Tabanan will be implemented in aspects of form, materials, aesthetics, circulation, and space.</em></p> 2024-06-29T18:14:49+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Redesain Pasar Kreneng Desa Dangin Puri, Kecamatan Denpasar Utara dengan Pendekatan Pasar Sehat 2024-06-29T18:31:51+07:00 I Gede Krisna Putra Ni Wayan Meidayanti Mustika I Ketut Sugihantara I Wayan Widanan Ni Komang Indra Mahayani <p><em>Kreneng Market has been established since 1979. Based on observations, the current condition of Kreneng Market is not as good as previous conditions. There are several facilities that are poorly maintained and therefore look rundown and dirty, starting with several stalls with holes in the ceiling, poor lighting systems, poorly organized circulation patterns, and disorganized distribution and grouping between types of goods. Apart from that, there is also a lack of parking space; many public transport and cars carrying merchandise park their vehicles on the side of the road, which causes traffic jams. With this redesign, it is hoped that it will be able to provide and fulfill appropriate facilities for traders and visitors, such as loading and unloading areas, adequate parking facilities, health facilities, as well as grouping stalls or stalls of traders based on their trade. This research is qualitative descriptive research with data collection methods in the form of observation and literature study. The healthy market approach that will be planned will emphasize circulation aspects, interior layout arrangements, interior materials, and the use of furniture.</em></p> 2024-06-29T18:31:50+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Penerapan Tema Ekologi pada Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Konservasi Penyu di Pulau Serangan Denpasar 2024-06-29T18:49:57+07:00 Kadek Dwi Yoga Mahendra Agus Kurniawan Ni Wayan Nurwarsih Gde Bagus Andhika Wicaksana Cokorda Istri Arina Cipta Utari <p><em>Turtles, endangered marine reptiles, are internationally protected and regulated by national laws in Indonesia. Despite conservation efforts, research indicates a significant decline in turtle populations due to environmentally unfriendly exploitation. Bali has the potential to serve as a turtle nesting site, but existing conservation facilities are not optimal. The facilities in Bali lack attention to the needs of turtles, and limited infrastructure hampers the development of breeding grounds, especially with a shortage of research facilities. This phenomenon is feared to jeopardize the sustainability of turtle populations and damage their habitats. As a solution, a facility is proposed that integrates turtle conservation and educational tourism on Serangan Island, Bali. The design is not only recreational and educational but also meets technical conservation requirements. Serangan Island is chosen for its safety for turtles, being far from settlements, and strategically located for turtle migration. </em><em>This research is a qualitative descriptive research with data collection methods in the form of observation and literature study. </em><em>The Turtle Conservation Center on Serangan Island is planned with the basic concept of sustainable architecture, integrating environmental science and architecture to achieve comprehensive sustainability and the theme of Ecological Architecture, maintaining the balance of natural and artificial environments. Thus, the presence of the Conservation Center is expected to not harm the environment and increase public awareness of the importance of turtle conservation.</em></p> 2024-06-29T18:49:56+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Pura Taman Wana Sari Menjadi Destinasi Wisata Spiritual di Desa Tegal Tugu 2024-06-29T19:14:46+07:00 Komang Edwin I Ketut Sugihantara I Wayan Widanan Made Suryanatha Prabawa <p><em>Tegal-tugu Village, Gianyar, Bali, is a location rich in natural potential and strong religious values. This article proposes the development of the Spiritual Tourism of Taman Wana Sari in this village to utilize natural resources sustainably and promote environmental preservation. In this context, the article identifies potential issues that may arise, such as deforestation, habitat destruction, increased waste, and infrastructure problems. Furthermore, the article highlights the importance of planning for sustainable environmental management to unlock the tourism potential within Tegal-tugu Village in Gianyar, Bali, and effective waste management. The increase in visits is accompanied by an emphasis on improving comfortable and environmentally friendly facilities, which is the focus of this proposal. With meticulous planning, the development of the Spiritual Tourism of Taman Wana Sari can stimulate the local economy, enrich the spiritual and cultural experiences of tourists, and ensure the preservation of the unique religious and natural values in Tegal-tugu Village</em></p> 2024-06-29T19:14:45+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Model Rancang Bangun Shopping Mall Di Kota Singaraja 2024-06-29T22:12:37+07:00 Kevin Ken I Wayan Parwata A.A. Gede Raka Gunawarman Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani <p><em>The city of Singaraja in Bali is experiencing rapid growth, primarily due to the emergence of contemporary shopping centers. Singaraja has the fastest population growth, according to census data from Bali. Contemporary shopping centers, also known as malls, are intended to offer convenience and new experiences for everyone, including children and adults. In terms of tourism, the goal is to balance modernization with the preservation of Balinese arts and culture. The modern shopping center in Singaraja aims not only to be a modern and sophisticated shopping destination but also to preserve Balinese cultural values. The methods used during the preparation of this article included surveys, field observations, documentation, and interviews. Additionally, there are several functions resulting from the design of this mall, namely: Primary Functions (focused on activities that enhance trade, goods, and services, attracting tourists to visit, such as retail outlets, exhibition areas), Supporting Functions (support facilities such as recreational areas, usually including cinemas, playgrounds, dining areas), and Service Functions (providing services such as generators, CCTV, security, toilets, visitor parking, goods loading parking). It is complemented by the concept of city walk and regionalism architecture theme to be implemented in the design of this Shopping Mall.</em></p> 2024-06-29T19:46:05+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Perencanaan dan Perancangan Pusat Pelatihan Sepak Bola di Kabupaten Badung 2024-06-29T20:20:45+07:00 Made Natha Sukma Arga I Putu Hartawan I Kadek Merta Wijaya I Nyoman Gede Maha Putra Kadek Putra Santika Narayana <p><em>Football is a popular sport in Indonesia, but experienced stagnation after Dutch colonialism due to lack of facilities and parental support. In Badung Regency, Bali Province, there has been an increase in the development of football, even though some clubs do not yet meet FIFA/PSSI standards. Of the 22 clubs, 18 have their own fields, but 4 clubs have to rent them. This affects player consistency and resource usage. Therefore, the construction of a football training center in Badung Regency is proposed to improve the facilities and quality of football in the area. This center will provide outdoor, indoor fields, changing rooms, fitness center, swimming pool, cafeteria and classrooms with modern designs that pay attention to functional and environmentally friendly aspects. It is hoped that this center will become an example for other regions in Indonesia and fulfill the community's needs in watching and developing football.</em></p> 2024-06-29T20:20:44+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa Implementasi Tema Arsitektur NeoVernacular Pada Pusat Kerajinan Tenun Di Desa Pejeng Kangin 2024-06-29T20:59:22+07:00 I Gede Ardika Made Suryanatha Prabawa I Ketut Sugihantara Anak Agung Bagus Bayu Anggawirya <p><em>In Bali, proposing is a traditional craft that has been practiced for a long time. Weaving is now more than just a side job or a way to fill time, but has also developed into a creative industry. The process of intertwining warp and weft threads is known as monten. The weft threads are attached to the warp threads and attached to the loom, and the warp threads which, when connected, will produce a motif. This research uses three Literary Study research methods. The method for analyzing data systematically uses a summarized version of existing data, such as books, journals, or articles, in the classroom. Direct interviews with related parties in the Balinese endek woven fabric industry were used as a data collection method. Precedent Study, Surveying observers regarding architectural approaches for planning and designing a weaving craft center in Pejeng Kangin village and indirectly searching for other objects outside Bali via the internet are the methods used to collect data. The planning and design of the Weaving Craft Center in Pejeng Kangin Village, Bali has objectives that include helping tourism development and providing new innovations in the field of woven fabric centers, as well as providing learning about fabric processing. The weaving craft center in Pejeng Kangin village can have a positive impact on the community in the surrounding Pejeng Kangin village and help develop tourism, especially in Pejeng Kangin village.</em></p> 2024-06-29T20:59:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa RIVERSIDE GLAMPING BERARSITEKTUR TROPIS DI TEPI SUNGAI TELAGA WAJA, KARANGASEM 2024-06-29T21:22:53+07:00 I Wayan Cipta Adi Mahendra I Wayan Parwata Made Anggita Wahyudi Linggasani <p><em>Currently, glamping has become a trend for recreation in nature, one type of glamping that is starting to develop is riverside glamping. Riverside Glamping is a tourist accommodation that provides a camping experience while enjoying the natural atmosphere, but can still rest comfortably located on the river bank. One of the areas that has interesting natural potential to be used as a glamping location is in the Karangasem area, precisely along the Telaga Waja river. This glamping design applies a tropical theme using natural materials so that it can respond to the climate in the area. The aim of this glamping design is to accommodate visitors as accommodation which previously was still less than optimal in terms of architecture and comfort. In compiling this journal, data collection methods were used, such as interviews with tourists and tourism object managers around the Telaga Waja river, making direct observations at locations to find the necessary information, and conducting literature studies to obtain information that is still limited in the field. With this glamping design, it is hoped that it can have a positive impact on becoming an icon of a tourist attraction in that location so that it becomes an attraction for tourists so that it can improve the economic sector of the local community</em></p> 2024-06-29T21:22:52+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Undagi : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurusan Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa