About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Undagi: Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa, received the manuscript with a focus on research results and literature reviews in the field of architecture with the scope of the study, namely:
1. Architectural Conservation: building conservation and cultural landscape
2. Anthropology Architecture: vernacular architecture, dwelling architecture, traditional architecture
3. Building Science: tectonic in traditional architecture and the system of a building
4. Urban Planning: space and place in architecture

Peer Review Process

Undagi employs a single-blind review. We have 3 categories in review are accepted, revision and rejected.
If the manuscript meets the assigned format and guideline, it is accepted. If the manuscript has a substance error it is recommended to be revised. And if the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines, it is rejected. The period of review proses is 3 months.

Publication Frequency

This Journal is published twice a year in June and December.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Focus and Scope of Journal

Undagi: Jurnal Ilmiah Arsitektur Universitas Warmadewa, received the manuscript with a focus on research results and literature reviews in the field of architecture with the scope of the study, namely:
1. Architectural Conservation: building conservation and cultural landscape
2. Anthropology Architecture: vernacular architecture, dwelling architecture, traditional architecture
3. Building Science: tectonic in traditional architecture and the system of a building
4. Urban Planning: space and place in architecture


p-ISSN: 2338-0454


Being a place for publication of research results in the field of architecture in related topics such as Architectural Conservation, Anthropology Architecture, Building Science and Urban Planning

Authors Guidelines

Manuscripts received are in accordance with the focus and scope of the Undagi Journal. The author must register to be able to enter the manuscript into the undagi journal. Authors must enter the manuscript in accordance with the undagi journal template format provided. The first assessment is carried out by the section editor, namely conformity with focus and scope, template format and turnitin results. The editor has the right to refuse if the manuscript does not meet the criteria of the initial assessment or repair before uploading it again. The next step is the text will be reviewed by reviewers using the Review Guidelines. The reviewer has the right to refuse, accept with minor or major repairs. The review phase is done the fastest for three months.
Things that must be considered by the writer are the substance and format of the writing which consists of:

1. Title
Describe specific and clear study subjects. The number of words that make up a title consists of a maximum of 12 words

2. Author's Identity
Consists of at least two authors with the author's name without a title, clear institutional identity and correspondent email address

3. Abstract
Abstract consists of two languages namely English and Indonesian. If the manuscript is in English, then the Indonesian abstract is not included. A maximum of 200 abstract words in English in Italian with Times New Roman 10 points. Abstract should be clear, descriptive, and should provide a brief overview of the problem studied. They are the importance of research topics, aim of research, research methods and a summary of the results. Keywords consist of a maximum of keywords that are specific and ordered alphabetically

4. Introduction
Use the font Times New Roman 11 points and spaces 1.0. The introduction contains the Background and Purpose of the Research. Background studies must be supported by studies of theories or concepts relevant to the topic of the article sourced from articles in various scientific journals. The purpose of the study must be to describe the picture of results that are renewable. The longest source of scientific articles is 10 years from the year of Undagi Journal publication. The citation technique uses APA Style with the Mendeley system.

5. Methods
Use the font Times New Roman 11 points and spaces 1.0. Research Methods consist of (1) Locus, Focus and Research Paradigms; (2) Research steps. Research methods must describe ways to achieve research objectives.

6. Results and Discussion
Use the font Times New Roman 11 points and spaces 1.0. At this point elaborates on the Analysis and Synthesis of the research conducted. The analysis phase is complemented by propositions of theories or concepts to the research findings. The theories and concepts used have relevance to the research topic and are derived from various scientific journal articles and have a maximum year of publication of 10 years from the year of Undagi Journal publication. The discussion must examine the phenomena behind the case under study not just identifying objects, so science of the art illustrates the purpose of the research. The citation technique uses APA Style with the Mendeley system.

7. Conclusions
Use the font Times New Roman 11 points and spaces 1.0. Conclusions are the crystallization of the results and discussion and answer the research objectives.

8. Acknowledgments
This is needed for research manuscripts

9. References
The bibliography format uses APA Style with the Mendeley system and the year of publication is a maximum of the last 10 years

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Publication Frequency

UNDAGI is published twice a year in June and December.

Publication Ethics

A. Author
1. The author slices the manuscript with a topic that has been determined in the scope and focus of the Journal Undagi
2. The author is not allowed to send manuscripts that have been published in other media publications
3. The author is responsible for the similarity of the contents of the substance if there is an element of plagiarism at the stage of sensitization
4. The author is responsible for reference sources and sources of images that have been quoted and used in the text
5. Authors must follow the writing format provided in the Undagi Journal template
6. The author gives full copyright to the publisher.

B. Reviewer
1. Reviewers use the assessment form as a reference in reviewing the manuscript
2. The evaluation of the manuscript is based on the expertise of each reviewer
3. The reviewer's assessment must be objective
4. Each evaluation criteria in the assessment form must be accompanied by clear arguments

C. Editorial Team
1. Before submitting the manuscript to the reviewer, the editorial team checks the similarity of the writing through the Turnitin application, ensures that the format used is as specified and ensures the focus of the study is in accordance with the scope and focus
2. Ethitorial must understand the substance and format of the manuscript sent by the author, so that the editorial team must have expertise in the field in accordance with the scope and focus of the Undagi Journal
3. The editor has the right to reject the submitted text if it does not fit the scope and focus, the format of the writing and has a similarity of more than 20 percent.

Journal History

This journal was originally named UNDAGI and began publishing in the printed version of 2013 with the ISSN number 2338-0454. In 2017, this journal was published online and the print number ISSN online was 2581-2211 and the name of the journal was changed to Undagi: Scientific Journal of Warmadewa University Architecture Department. The focus of the study is on the results of research and literature review in the field of architecture, namely Architecture conservation, Building Science, Anthropology of architecture and Urban Planning. Journal editors consist of experts in the scientific fields who make up this journal. This journal is published twice a year in June and December.