Design of the Expert System for Edamame Grading Using Forward Chaining Method

  • Yuli Wibowo
  • Nidya Shara Mahardika
  • Ruhul Afrizal
  • I Gusti Bagus Udayana


Edamame grade is determined based on edamame quality parameters with several parameters that are quite a lot. The process of deciding edamame grade is relatively complicated and challenging. To determine the edamame grade, an experienced expert in the field is needed. With limited grading experts, the design of expert systems for grading edamame can help users or companies to determine edamame grade.  This study aims to design an expert system for determining edamame grade, which can determine the quality of edamame accurately. The Design of an expert system in this research uses the forward chaining method.  The stages of designing an expert system include problem identification, knowledge acquisition, building a data flow diagram, compile the database, building a decision tree diagram, and developing a user interface. The results showed that the expert system has been verified and validated well. Verification test results show that all the menu buttons on the expert system application are functioning correctly. Then, the validation results also show that the edamame quality output produced by the expert system is compatible with the expert solution, meaning that the expert system's output data is by following with the results of the decision given by the expert. In testing the validation of determining the quality is appropriate.  The results of the verification and validation of the edamame grading expert system show that the expert system has produced satisfactory outcomes. Expert system output is compatible with the solution provided by the expert.

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