Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik 2024-01-02T08:16:18+07:00 Putu Gd Wirianta Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik </strong>is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and scientific journal published by Universitas Warmadewa and managed by the Postgradueted Program, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar. The aim of this journal is to publish original research articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the fields of Political and public administration Science able to create the new global formation of Political and public administration Science and similar issues. The scope of <strong>Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik</strong> encompasses, but is not limited to: Social science; Public policy; Public Service; Policy Formulation; Policy Analysis; and Evaluation; Bureaucracy and Administrative Development and Public Management and Governance. <strong>Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik</strong> is collaborating with Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA) for review. This journal is published twice a year, in June and December. The language used in this journal is <em>Bahasa Indonesia</em>. Public Inspiration : Jurnal Administrasi Publik has been accredited a fifth grade Science and Technology Index (SINTA 5) by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) since 2019. All articles have been published in <em>Bahasa Indonesia</em> since volume 1 number 1, 2016. Submissions are open year-round.</p> Implementasi Program Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan Pada Pekerja Formal Di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Tanjung Perak 2024-01-02T08:16:14+07:00 Wulan Nur Fath-Hiah Binti Azizatun Nafi’ah <p style="text-align: justify;">Employment social security is a program of the Government of Indonesia organized by the Employment Social Security Administration Agency (BPJS) with the aim of protecting all workers in Indonesia. To make the program policy successful, socialization activities need to be carried out. This research focuses on formal workers or wage workers (PU) in the city of Surabaya. In government regulations, companies that have an NIB are required to register business entities and their employees in the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan program. This study aims to describe and find out the implementation of the employment social security program for formal workers at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan by using the policy implementation theory according to Merilee S. Grindle. The research method used by the author is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the results obtained, the implementation of the employment social security program for formal workers at the Tanjung Perak Employment BPJS is not optimal. This is because there are still many business entities that have not registered their companies and employees in the BPJS Employment program. This is evidenced by the internal data of the Tanjung Perak Employment BPJS, which recorded that only 8.28% of companies out of 1,130 company acquisitions in the Surabaya area were participants of the Employment BPJS.</p> 2023-12-23T06:25:31+07:00 Copyright (c) Pengawasan Pemilu Berkarakter Guna Mewujudkan Kedaulatan Rakyat dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan Demokrasi di Indonesia 2024-01-02T08:16:15+07:00 I Nengah Suriata <p style="text-align: justify;">General elections are a major work of the state which is held periodically every 5 (five) years. In the elections on February 14 2024 to elect the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), the Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI), the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, and to elect members of the Provincial Regional People's Representative Council (Provincial DPRD), Regency/City Regional People's Representative Council (Regency/City DPRD), as the implementation of people's sovereignty. To guarantee people's rights in the political field and legal certainty, the government regulates this in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (UU17/2017). Actions at every stage of holding elections can result in violations and criminal acts occurring in the jurisdiction of the Province of Bali, if supervision is not carried out it will result in the people's democratic party not running effectively and efficiently. This research method uses a normative legal research type method, with a statutory approach, namely Law 17/2017 as well as primary and secondary legal materials through literature studies that are appropriate to the problem. The results of this research show that election supervision has an effective character for the realization of people's sovereignty in the implementation of democracy in Indonesia and efficient and effective supervision of future elections by utilizing information technology or digitalization in applying the Industrial Revolution 4.0.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Efektivitas Program Herregistrasi dalam Upaya Mewujudkan Pedagang yang Disiplin di Pasar Induk Puspa Agro 2024-01-02T08:16:15+07:00 Risma Ardana Reswari Singgih Manggalou <p style="text-align: justify;">The her-registration program is a re-registration activity for stall owners at the Puspa Agro Main Market which aims to control traders related to administrative matters and provide traders with an understanding of the importance of security and the facilities that traders get. This program runs with the help of apprentice students as representatives of the marketing team of PT. Puspa Agro. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the re-registration program in creating disciplined traders. The method used by the author in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. This study uses several variables to measure program effectiveness, namely program socialization, program objectives, and program monitoring. According to the research that has been done, it can be seen that the effectiveness of the re-registration program has not been fully fulfilled. Because in its implementation there are problems such as payment requirements that have not been met by traders and the lack of awareness of traders to re-register which results in traders finding it difficult to re-register. Monitoring and monitoring of the her-registration program has been maximally carried out directly by the Director of PT. Puspa Agro.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-02T08:09:17+07:00 Copyright (c) Implementasi Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (SIM BPD) dalam Penyampaian Informasi dan Penyerapan Aspirasi Masyarakat di Desa Punggul, Kecamatan Abiansemal Kabupaten Badung 2024-01-02T08:16:16+07:00 I Made Yudi Dwipayana I Made Yudhiantara Toto Noerasto <p style="text-align: justify;">Villages as the lowest government entity have implemented an information technology-based village concept known as Smart Village. Punggul Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency is one of the villages that actively uses technology systems in all government activities and community service activities. One of the application innovations owned by Punggul Village is the BPD SIM application. This research seeks to analyze the implementation of the BPD SIM application. The aim of the research is to analyze and describe the implementation of the BPD SIM application in Punggul Village and determine the factors inhibiting the implementation of the BPD SIM in Punggul Village. The research approach uses a qualitative descriptive method with the application of Edward III's theory. Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, in-depth interviews and documentation. The selection of informants used purposive sampling techniques, and qualitative data analysis was inductive. The research results show that the implementation of the BPD SIM application in Punggul Village has not been effective based on the perspective of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. Factors inhibiting implementation are socialization that has not run optimally, inadequate resources, not having the same understanding between BPD officials, and a lack of clear division of tasks in implementing this application.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-02T07:52:05+07:00 Copyright (c) Implementasi Pelayanan Penerbitan Akta Kelahiran Balita Menggunakan Klampid New Generation di Kelurahan Dupak 2024-01-02T08:16:16+07:00 Frida Apprilia Pradini Endik Hidayat <p>One of the government's products in the field of population and civil registration is a birth certificate. A Birth Certificate is a valid proof issued by the Department of Population and Civil Registration no later than 60 (sixty) days after the birth event which contains the status and birth event of a child in a family which shows that the child is a legal citizen according to law. Ownership of birth certificates is considered less important for some residents because the issuance process is considered difficult and takes a long time. The purpose of this research is to find out how effective the service for issuing birth certificates is using the Klampid New Generation application at the Surabaya City Population and Civil Registration Service. The research was conducted using a descriptive qualitative approach using an inductive method. In collecting data, techniques of observation, documentation, and interviews were used. As for data analysis, the Data Reduction method, Data Presentation, and Conclusion Drawing were used. The results of this study are that the implementation of online birth certificate issuance services using Klampid New Generation at the Surabaya City Population and Civil Registration Service has been running effectively with the issuance of 3 (three) documents at once on 1 (one) application.</p> 2024-01-02T08:07:15+07:00 Copyright (c) Strategi Pelayanan Lembaga Penyiaran Publik (LPP) Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Denpasar 2024-01-02T08:16:17+07:00 A. A. A. Ngurah Sumitha Ghanjali <p>Public services in Indonesia in the form of services can be done through the media. Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP) Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Denpasar is one of the public media agencies that provides services in the form of information. However, as time goes by, many media platforms have emerged that have attracted public attention and the added bureaucratic hierarchy has meant that LPP RRI Denpasar has not been optimal in providing its services. The target of this research is to find out the LPP RRI Denpasar Service Strategy to account for its existence as public media. The formulation of the research problem is: 1) What are the factors causing the LPP RRI Denpasar to not be optimal? 2) What is the service strategy for LPP RRI Denpasar? This research aims to analyze and evaluate the existence of LPP RRI Denpasar as a public media agency whose task is to serve public needs. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with the application of Strategic Management theory according to Fred. R. David. Data collection was carried out using observation, interviews and documentation techniques. The selection of informants used purposive sampling. The research results show that the services of the Public Broadcasting Institution (LPP) Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Denpasar are not optimal. In carrying out public services, it is a top-down bureaucracy that is still hierarchical, RRI's image still seems stiff and formal in society, and the diversity of public needs cannot be met considering the decreasing availability of human resources. The strategy carried out by LPP RRI Denpasar is to present its broadcast programs on every media platform that is loved by the public, innovating into multi-platform based media.</p> 2024-01-02T08:10:55+07:00 Copyright (c) Literature Review: Kebijakan Publik terhadap Pengadaan Barang Modal Strategis Lembaga Pemerintah Indonesia 2024-01-02T08:16:18+07:00 Ni Nyoman Kartika Yanti <p>The faster Indonesia's and the world's economies grow, the greater the benefits to the government and society. Rapid growth, on the other hand, can lead to an increase in fraud. The implementation of electronic procurement is one of the government's policy reforms aimed at increasing the procurement of government goods and services (e-procurement). The goal of this research is to examine public policy regarding the acquisition of strategic capital goods for Indonesian government institutions. The research design for this qualitative study is a literature review. Agency theory was used to analyze this study. The findings demonstrate the importance of focusing on public policies with good governance by leveraging the potential of simple e-procurement to reduce fraud, which can have an impact on a country's level of corruption.</p> 2024-01-02T08:14:00+07:00 Copyright (c)