The Principles of Tri Hita Karana in Harmonizing Rural Spatial Planning Local Wisdom Based (Study in Bugbug Traditional Village, Karangasem)

  • Ni Made Jaya Senastri Universitas Warmadewa
Keywords: Autonomy, Traditional Village, Local Wisdom, Spatial Planning


In principle, rural spatial planning local wisdom based on a sustainable spatial planning system is an embodiment of immaterial and material harmonization or balance of life between humans and God, between humans and humans and humans and the environment. Local wisdom on spatial planning in rural areas is interpreted as a system of values, culture, politics, law, economics and religiosity which functions to guide patterns of behaviour in understanding space as a place to live. This study aims to examine legal culture as a value system in the formation of the legal system elements and the principle of Tri Hita Karana as a harmonization of spatial planning in Bugbug traditional village. This study used an exploratory method and this type of research is a qualitative descriptive study of law. The results of this study showed that spatial planning of rural areas local wisdom based is very important as a recognition of the rights of rural communities. In fact, spatial planning arrangements for rural areas with local wisdom aim to protect and manage the environment in a sustainable manner for the benefit of every generation and become the basis for planning, utilizing and controlling sustainable spatial planning. The concept of regulating rural spatial planning local wisdom based in managing rural spatial planning local wisdom based through customary village autonomy in the Bugbug Traditional Village is to create spatial planning in favour of village communities through a rural spatial planning model based on traditional villages through implementing the Tri Hita Karana principle in the spiritual environment, social environment, and natural environment.


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Penjelasan Perda Nomor 6 Tahun 2009 Tentang RTRW Provinsi Bali

Naskah Akademik UU. Desa (Dirjen Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa, Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Jakarta, Tahun 2012), hlm. 13

In the Elucidation of Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2009 concerning the RTRW of the Province of Bali, what is meant by ' Tri Hita Karana' is the philosophy of life of the Balinese people which contains three elements that build balance and harmony in the relationship between humans and God, humans and humans and humans and their environment which are the source of welfare, peace and happiness for human life.

The application of the elements of each of these philosophies is explained as follows:

Elements of the value of balance and harmony in the relationship between humans and God, are reflected in the form of efforts to protect holy places and sacred areas that are believed to have sacred values, as a place for humans to connect themselves with God, which will further be included in this RTRWP. designated as areas whose existence must be protected, both within protected areas and cultivation areas.

Elements of the value of balance and harmony in the relationship between humans and humans are reflected in the form of efforts to organize and manage residential areas as places or spaces for humans to carry out social interactions in a safe, peaceful and civilized manner, and are able to guarantee the optimal development of human resources.

Efforts to arrange and manage natural resources in a sustainable manner have elements of the value of balance and harmony in the relationship between humans and the natural environment for the benefit of the present and future Balinese generations.

How to Cite
Senastri, N. M. J. (2023). The Principles of Tri Hita Karana in Harmonizing Rural Spatial Planning Local Wisdom Based (Study in Bugbug Traditional Village, Karangasem). Jurnal Hukum Prasada, 10(1), 20-27.
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