Politicos: Jurnal Politik Dan Pemerintahan 2024-08-30T22:22:54+07:00 Bayu Adhinata Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Politicos: Jurnal Politik Dan Pemerintahan</strong> is an open-access, peer-reviewed, and scientific journal published by Universitas Warmadewa and managed by the Department of Government, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar. The aim of this journal is to publish original research articles dedicated to all aspects of the latest outstanding developments in the fields of politics and government in all settings.<br><strong>The scope of Politicos: Jurnal Politik Dan Pemerintahan encompasses, but is not limited to:<br></strong>(a). Political Parties, Electoral Problems, Electoral Governance, and Voting Behaviour; (b). Civil Society, Democracy, and Social Movements; (c). Local Politics, Desentralization, Public Policy, and Bureaucracy; (d). Conflict Management and Resolution; (e). Agrarian Politics, Natural Resources Politics, Environmental Politics and Climate Change; (f). Media and Politics; (g). Politics and Rural Government, Urban Politics, and Border Politics; (h). International Politics and Security Studies; (i). Digital Government Transformation</p> Political Campaign of the Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-P) during the New Order and Reform Era 2024-08-30T22:21:27+07:00 Ahmad Rifki Nurfebriansyah Ratnia Sholihah Sri Zul Chairiyah <p><em>Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan</em> (PDI-P) is a political party in Indonesia that has gone through an era of change, from the New Order era to the Reform Era. PDI-P has experienced ups and downs in General Election results since the party was founded. PDI-P's continued success to date cannot be separated from the political campaign strategy they implemented. This research discusses the political campaign strategies carried out by the PDI-P using various methods. This research uses a qualitative approach by analyzing various articles discussing the PDI-P political campaign. The results of this research are that the PDI-P experienced a change in campaign strategy between the New Order and the Reformation. PDI-P, which initially had limited means and difficult situations during the New Order era, was able to find various campaign methods since the Reformation era which then led them to success since 2014.</p> 2024-08-13T16:30:11+07:00 Copyright (c) Boosting Novice Voters: Strategy of the Independent Election Commission for the 2024 General Election in West Aceh District 2024-08-30T22:21:28+07:00 Alfi Mansyur Vellayati Hajad <p>This comprehensive study examines the strategies employed by the Independent Election Commission (IEC) to boost the participation of novice voters in the pre-election phase leading up to the 2024 General Election in West Aceh District. Novice voters aged 17 to 21 play a significant role in measuring electoral efficacy and vitality. Recognized by political stakeholders, their engagement affects the electoral landscape due to their diverse characteristics and challenges compared to previous generations, such as lack of interest, awareness, knowledge, and apathy. So, this research was carried out to analyze the strategies used by the IEC towards novice voters. This study adopts David's (2004) strategy theory in strategic management, which includes formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Conducted in West Aceh Regency, this study examines the initiatives and challenges of the IEC in engaging novice voters. Through careful empirical data analysis, this study aims to improve the electoral process and consolidate democracy in Indonesia. The research findings reveal insights into the effectiveness of the IEC's strategies and highlight areas for improvement. This study provides valuable insights for future election planning, encouraging more equitable and inclusive practices. However, several problems in its implementation need to be resolved, mainly the need for more human resources and budget.</p> 2024-08-20T12:52:11+07:00 Copyright (c) Defense Infrastructure Development Strategy in the Ibu Kota Nusantara Area 2024-08-30T22:21:29+07:00 Aris Sarjito <p>This study explores the defense infrastructure development strategy in the Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) area, focusing on the current state, challenges, opportunities, and strategies for enhancement. The IKN area, strategically positioned amidst geopolitical tensions and technological advancements, presents a unique context for analyzing defense infrastructure. The research employs qualitative methods using secondary data, including policy documents, infrastructure reports, and scholarly articles. The findings reveal a well-distributed network of military installations and strategic assets in the IKN area, which enhances readiness but also exposes vulnerabilities such as geopolitical tensions and technological risks. Challenges include navigating complex geopolitical rivalries, integrating advanced technologies, and addressing environmental impacts. Opportunities exist in leveraging collaborative partnerships, adopting innovative technologies, and implementing sustainable practices. Strategies for enhancing resilience and effectiveness include adopting eco-friendly design principles, multi-layered defense planning, and capacity-building programs. The study concludes that a focused approach on resilience and adaptability is crucial for improving defense infrastructure and maintaining long-term security in the IKN area.</p> 2024-08-30T21:56:36+07:00 Copyright (c) Political Economic Analysis of China’s Foreign Policy Changes Towards Afghanistan From 2014 to 2023 2024-08-30T22:21:30+07:00 Naomi Niken Agustina Butar-Butar Shanti Darmastuti <p>China's foreign policy towards Afghanistan in the 2014-2023 period has changed in a more proactive direction. Moreover, when the Taliban succeeded in taking power in Afghanistan, China decided to maintain its concession with the country that had replaced the regime that has shown a significant change in its foreign policy towards Afghanistan, after previously freezing diplomatic relations with the country when the Taliban's first occupation occurred in the 1996-2001 period. Therefore, this research is held to determine the reasons for China's foreign policy changes towards Afghanistan from 2014 to 2023, in terms of political-economic analysis. The theory used is foreign policy, using the Goldmann model and the Holsti model approach to identify changes in China's foreign policy towards Afghanistan. The method used in this research is explanatory with data sources obtained through interviews and literature study. In the data analysis stage, the authors sort out information that is relevant to the research topic, followed by the process of presenting data and drawing conclusions. The final results of this research show that Xi Jinping is the main actor behind changes in China's foreign policy towards Afghanistan since 2014. Securing China's economic interests in the development of Gwadar Port, a significant energy infrastructure project in BRI cooperation, became one of the main considerations for Xi Jinping to change China's foreign policy towards Afghanistan.</p> 2024-08-30T22:18:09+07:00 Copyright (c) Monitoring and Evaluation Function of BPKN RI regarding Consumer Protection Issue in Housing Sector 2024-08-30T22:21:31+07:00 Celline David Keizahra Wardhani Salsabila Putri Salwani Isnaini Ana Sabhana Azmy <p>The National Consumer Protection Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPKN RI) is a bureaucratic body derived from the Ministry of Trade that focuses on handling consumer problems in Indonesia. The paper further examines what makes the housing sector have a high level of complaints at BPKN RI, what types of complaints are filed by consumers and how the form of monitoring and evaluation functions within the scope of BPKN RI in solving problems given by BPKN RI to consumers. This research uses a qualitative method by conducting direct interviews with staff of the Advocacy Division of BPKN RI. The findings obtained are that the monitoring and evaluation of BPKN RI is quite optimal, especially for problems in the housing sector. The number of incoming cases had shown a high number due to the pandemic situation. BPKN RI's evaluation function runs quite well with the achievement of BPKN RI's recommendations being able to become the main basis for the formation of PUPR Ministerial Regulations to protect consumer rights in Indonesia.</p> 2024-08-30T21:57:35+07:00 Copyright (c) Actor Networks and Environmental Conflicts: The Case of Benoa Bay Reclamation (2014-2019) 2024-08-30T22:21:32+07:00 I Gusti Ngurah Krisna Dana <p>This study explores the formation of actor networks in developing conservation areas, specifically focusing on the Benoa Bay conservation area in Bali from 2014 to 2019. This period marks the beginning and temporary cessation of reclamation development permits in the area, instigated by a Presidential Decree. The study examines how actor networks form through material negotiations, categorizing actors into pros (supporting reclamation) and cons (opposing reclamation). It employs the Actor Network Theory (ANT) framework, particularly the moments concept developed by Callon, to analyze these networks and negotiations. The research is qualitative, using case studies and field data collected through interviews with relevant stakeholders. The primary findings reveal that actors on both sides—pro and con—form networks based on the material narratives they promote. For the pros, the need for tourism space justifies reclamation, while the cons focus on conservation values upheld by the Balinese community. The reclamation issue acts as a moment of problematization, bringing these opposing material narratives into conflict within the conservation area. The study follows ANT’s stages from problematization to mobilization, highlighting how the conflicting material narratives of both pro and con actors interact and influence the network formation. Ultimately, the research illustrates the dynamics of actor networks in the context of reclamation, showing how material negotiations shape these networks and the contestation over spatial production in Benoa Bay networks.</p> 2024-08-30T22:05:24+07:00 Copyright (c)