Postgraduated Community Service Journal <p style="text-align: justify;">Welcome to the official Postgraduate Community Service Journal website. As a part of the spirit of disseminating community service to the wider community, Postgraduate Community Service Journal website provides journal articles for free download. Our journal is a Journal which is a reference source for academics and practitioners in the field of Social Sciene especially community service. Postgraduate Community Service Journal is a journal for Social sciene especially community service that published by Warmadewa Press jointly with Postgraduate Program Universitas Warmadewa. Postgraduate Community Service Journal has the content of research results and reviews in the field of selected studies covering various branches of community service both from within and outside the country, as well as in the Postgraduate Community Service Journal also contains the field of study related to the social sciene especially community service in a broad sense. This journal is published 2 times within a year, submitted and ready-to-publish scripts will be published online gradually and the printed version will be released at the end of the publishing period. Language used in this journal is Indonesian.</p> en-US (I Made Mardika) (Putu Esa Gustafellaser) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:44:17 +0700 OJS 60 Pendampingan Gerakan Wanita Sejahtera Taat Pajak dan Upaya Peningkatan Usaha Berbasis Ekowisata <p style="text-align: justify;">Indonesia has 3 tax systems, including the Self Assessment System, the Official Assessment System and the Withholding Assessment System.&nbsp; Self assessment is a tax collection system that gives trust and responsibility to taxpayers to take the initiative in registering themselves to obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) and take care of all their tax affairs independently. Starting from calculating, paying and reporting the annual tax return (SPT) itself. Annual personal income tax return (PPh OP) reporting must be carried out every year by taxpayers who have met the objective and subjective requirements no later than (report the OP tax return) at the end of March. Tax Return reporting has been mandated in the Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures (KUP) article 3, where every taxpayer is required to fill out the tax return correctly, clearly and completely, and for the annual Income Tax Return OP must be submitted no later than 3 months after the tax year ends (WP OP) or no later than 4 months after the tax year ends (Corporate WP). The Prosperous Women's Movement is one of the non-political women's organizations that has a vision of improving women's empowerment. Taxes are mandatory contributions by taxpayers for state development. Women must now be sensitive to the times, educated and willing to learn. The theme of this PkM is smart women who obey taxes. The method used is to socialize taxation and ecotourism business opportunities, discussions, and mentoring. The assistance provided includes the preparation of NIK and NPWP as well as personal tax reporting. Women must have intelligence, because the world is too harsh if it is only devoted to beauty. Our taxes, for us. Wisely fulfilling tax obligations, then the development of the country will continue to develop. Warmadewa University advances the country from education and implements the tri dharma of higher education to prepare quality human resources, ecotourism insights, and global competitiveness.</p> I Gusti Agung Prama Yoga, I Wayan Chandra Adyatma, I Putu Gede Satria Wiraharja Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 10:19:09 +0700 Pengendalian Sampah Plastik, Penanggulangan Banjir, dan Penguatan Kapasitas UMKM di Desa Getasan, Kecamatan Petang, Kabupaten Badung <p style="text-align: justify;">Getasan Village is one of the seven villages in Petang District. In addition to plantations, Getasan Village also has potential in the livestock sector. From the observation results, there are a number of problems faced by Getasan Village, the first is the lack of public awareness in utilizing plastic bottle waste. Second, the lack of water infiltration in the area of Village Temple and Dalem Temple, Getasan Village. Finally, many small MSMEs still cannot use social media to promote their businesses. The solution we provide for the first problem is to provide early education to elementary school children. The solution to the second problem is the installation of biopores around the Village Temple and Dalem Temple areas of Getasan Village. The solution to the last problem is the socialization of marketing strategies using social media, specifically Instagram. The success of activities is measured using indicators: the achievement of training objectives, the achievement of planned targets, and the sustainability of the program. The level of achievement of these three indicators shows an average value of above 75 percent so that this service activity has been running well. Programs in these community service activities need to be maintained in sustainability with cooperation between the government and the community so that they can increase awareness in recycling plastic bottle waste to provide more benefits, pay attention to the biopores that have been installed so that they are properly maintained, socialization about strategies in marketing products online must also be emphasized periodically so that MSME actors can continue to maintain their social media always update.</p> I Putu Iwan Pramana Putra, Ni Luh Putu Indiani Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 10:46:12 +0700 Pendampingan Pelaporan SPT PPH Orang Pribadi dan Sosialisasi PMK Nomor 168 Tahun 2023 <p style="text-align: justify;">before the end of March. Tax return reporting is mandated in the Law on General Provisions and Tax Procedures (KUP) article 3, where every taxpayer is required to fill out the tax return correctly, clearly and completely, and for the annual income tax return, it must be submitted no later than 3 months after the tax year ends (March). Tax return reporting can be done online, using e-form or e-filling. However, there are still many people who still do not understand the reporting process using e-filling. The people in the Renon area are very homogeneous. The Renon area is considered very promising, until now it is still an "elite area" in the city of Denpasar. It is very strategically located, close to the center of the city government, even the province. There are many government and private offices, restaurants, restaurants, shops, and even the center of Beauty Clinics in Bali. The population of Renon in 2016 was 20,774 people, consisting of 10,331 men and 10,443 women. Very few residents in this area are unemployed, having an income means that many taxpayers are scattered in this area. The method used in this service is to provide direct assistance to the community. Includes assistance and consultation regarding the rights and obligations of taxpayers, matching NIK and NPWP and reporting Personal Tax using e-filling. The series of activities will be carried out continuously from February to March 2024.&nbsp; This activity was very welcomed by the community. However, the level of public awareness in fulfilling tax obligations is still quite lacking. This may happen due to the lack of public trust in the management of state finances due to the impact of corruption reporting by state apparatus. In addition to socialization, an important thing that must be fixed is the eradication of KKN to increase public trust.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Riza Edwindra, Desak Rurik Pradnya Paramitha Nida, I Made Sastra Dwikiarta Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 10:52:38 +0700 Implementasi Alat Penetas Telur Full Otomatis Guna Meningkatkan Produksi Sektor UMKM di RAKTA FARM Desa Gelgel Klungkung <p style="text-align: justify;">Society in general and small entrepreneurs in particular have enormous potential to develop Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This will be one of the main factors driving the growth and development of the Indonesian economy amidst the current flow of globalization. The Community Service Partner is RAKTA FARM where this partner has a chicken farming business in Br. Tangkas, Gelgel Village - Klungkung. The problem with partners who will expand their business into the Balinese free-range chicken hatching sector is that they still use conventional methods. The Balinese Hindu community generally uses Balinese free-range chickens for religious ceremonies and for personal consumption. The methods that will be used in implementing this Community Service are interview methods, face-to-face methods, and workshops on how to use/operate fully automatic egg incubators. The solution that will be implemented is to increase the chicken population relatively quickly and ensure the availability of seeds for continuous production. The fact is that automatic hatching machines help parents hatch eggs to produce chicks. Hatching with a hatching machine can also increase the production scale and hatchability of eggs because the environmental temperature and humidity can be regulated precisely at RAKTA FARM Br. Tangkas, Gelgel Village - Klungkung.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> I Made Sastra Dwikiarta, I Putu Yudi Prabhadika, Ida Ayu Trisna Yudi Asri Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 10:57:21 +0700 Peningkatan Kemampuan Digital Marketing dan Kreativitas Pembuatan Konten The Taran Villas Lembongan, Nusa Lembongan, Klungkung <p>Nusa Lembongan has experienced rapid development in the tourism sector. However, behind the development of the world of technology and tourist accommodation in Nusa Lembongan, partners are still unable to utilize digital marketing as an effort to increase their revenue. The problem faced is the lack of knowledge about the importance of promotion through digital platforms. The second problem is the lack of awareness about the importance of promotional strategies. Third, the lack of skills in using information technology. Fourth, the lack of ideas in creating interesting content. The last problem is the lack of updates on current social media developments. The solution we provide for the first problem is to socialize the importance of digital marketing. The solution to the second problem is to conduct socialization and content creation assistance. For the third problem, assistance in the use of information technology in the form of application-based digital marketing models and websites as portfolios. The solution to the fourth problem is to provide assistance in creating content as well as providing training in creating content that can become advertisements that attract consumers. For the last problem, provide training on advertising language in attracting the right target market. The success of the activity is measured using indicators: achievement of training objectives, achievement of planned targets, and program sustainability. The level of achievement of these three indicators shows an average value above 75 percent so that this community service activity has gone well. The programs in this community service activity need to be maintained by improving the quality of active promotion on the internet and social media, focusing on the target market, maintaining product content engagement on Instagram social media, redeveloping caption ideas with good advertising language, adding skills to create attractive visual and audiovisual content on other social media.</p> Ni Kadek Sioaji Yamawati , I Made Astu Mahayana, Dewa Ayu Dyah Pertiwi Putri, Ni Luh Putu Indiani Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:28:01 +0700 Pemberdayaan Yayasan Sehati Bali Melalui Digital Marketing dan Komputerisasi Pencatatan Akuntansi <p>The partner in implementing PkM is located at the Yayasan Sehati Bali North Denpasar District. The target of this community service is managers who will be given training by the implementation team. The background to the implementation of this activity is due to social media content being less than informative and understanding of digital marketing not being optimal and not yet understanding the computerized accounting cycle of financial transactions. The aim of this training is so that Yayasan Sehati Bali managers can manage social media content more interestingly and effectively and partners are able to carry out computerized accounting records with modifications to Microsoft Excel. Implementation of activities is provided in the form of training using socialization methods regarding the importance of implementing digital marketing and computerization in accounting records for foundations since their inception. Coaching is accompanied by helping create content for marketing on social media platforms and introducing several applications or social media that can be used to promote the foundation easily. Apart from that, training will be provided in carrying out accounting records using simple Microsoft Excel to help foundations in carrying out neat accounting records. So that administrators are expected to be able to carry out promotions and administrative records, especially in accounting, better. The output target to be achieved is improving social media content management skills and accounting records by Yayasan Sehati Bali.</p> I Gusti Agung Ayu Mas Suariedewi, Ida Ayu Trisna Yudi Asri, Kadek Diviariesty Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:34:53 +0700 Pendampingan Akuntansi Dalam Menentukan Harga dan Pengelolaan Persediaan Untuk Memajukan Usaha Masyarakat Desa Bangbang, Bangli <p>Financial statements play an important role in providing information for making business decisions or policies. Financial statements are the end result of the accounting process. However, there are still many stigmas in society that consider accounting to be difficult. In fact, if done consistently and orderly, the information obtained will greatly impact the sustainability of the business both as a source of information and a control tool. The most basic thing, in basic accounting that needs to be understood is the process of how financial statements are made. Starting from collecting transaction evidence, grouping, recording, analyzing and presenting accounting information. The first stage is collecting evidence. This initial stage is still widely ignored in recording. Even though transaction evidence is needed to prove the validity of transaction occurrences and measurements in transaction recognition. In collaboration with the Bangbang Village BUPDA, the service team conducted assistance involving the Tembuku Bangbang Bali Village community, namely traders, BUPDA (Baga Utsaha Padruwen Desa Adat) administrators and local LPD (Village Credit Institution) administrators in early June 2024 to get assistance and training on the role of accounting in advancing business, basic accounting, inventory methods, how to make transaction evidence by utilizing technology. The methods used were socialization and discussion groups. The obstacle so far that has been felt is the difficulty of compiling reports due to forgetting or not taking notes. Not everything is "well recorded" because they still use manual records. Shopkeepers do double duty serving customers, as well as cashiers and record keepers. So very often experience constraints lack of time to record, so there are some transactions that are missed recorded. This affects the relevance of transaction data. The service team helps provide assistance as well as tools and systems used to facilitate the creation of simple proof of transactions and cash flow using technology. So there is no need to write per-item transactions manually, but using software, inputting transactions, then printing notes automatically using a thermal printer. At the end of the period, you can draw a summary of transactions in the form of cash flow. It is hoped that this PKM can have a positive impact on the progress of the Village, especially the traders, the community and BUPDA. With the records of transactions, MSME players or organizations can get economic information related to business.</p> Desak Rurik Pradnya Paramitha Nida, I Gusti Agung Prama Yoga, I Nyoman Angga Prabawa Copyright (c) Wed, 10 Jul 2024 13:42:16 +0700