Jurnal Abdi Daya
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>MRIL (Magister Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering) Journal</strong> is a journal on science and technology infrastructure and regional planning which is published twice a year by Magister Infrastructure and Environmental Engineering, Warmadewa University. MRIL is the newest study program of postgraduate program at Warmadewa University with a concentration on sanitation and clean water, advanced infrastructure and materials, and disaster mitigation and coastal area management. So that this concentration becomes the scope of this journal. This journal publishes both original research articles, review articles, and book reviews on science and technology infrastructure and regional planning in English. MRIL Journal is available online at https://www.ejournal.warmadewa.ac.id/index.php/mrill</p>Universitas Warmadewaen-USJurnal Abdi Daya2776-0863Sustainable Marketing Management and a Better Sustainable Enterpreunership: North Meruya Community Service Implementation
<p><em>MSME economic problems can be overcome by carrying out various MSME-based entrepreneurial activities. Report on the Development of Marketing Planning in Building Beginner Entrepreneurship Based on the Management of Meruya Utara Subdistrict, Kembangan, West Jakarta. This community service aims to assist Marketing Planning in Building Management-Based Entrepreneurship Beginners and benefit from their presence in the online environment. The context of this service involves all functionaries of Meruya Utara Subdistrict, Kembangan, West Jakarta. We will analyze the situation of SMEs, identify opportunities and challenges in marketing culinary products, and develop digital marketing strategies that suit the characteristics of SME products. MSME-based entrepreneurship can be developed to reduce dependence on jobs from companies both government and private. Therefore, even though MSMEs are simpler than general companies, determining a company that will be run by MSMEs must still be done through a clear and concrete process, namely by carrying out a Business Planning process. It is hoped that this community service can provide an understanding of MSME entrepreneurship, so that local people can immediately carry out experiments before trying to determine a business they want to develop in the future. By having an understanding of Business Planning in developing MSME entrepreneurship, it can prevent disagreements and conflicts in the company, so that in the end it can reduce poverty levels and improve community welfare.</em></p>Mochamad Soelton
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdi Daya
<p>Desa Adat Sibetan di Kecamatan Bebandem, Kabupaten Karangasem memiliki potensi pertanian yang signifikan, terutama dalam budidaya buah-buahan tropis seperti salak Bali. Ketersediaan air yang cukup melalui sistem irigasi tradisional <em>subak</em> menjadi faktor penting dalam memastikan keberhasilan panen. Saat ini permasalahan mengenai kerusakan jaringan irigasi sering mengganggu produksi pertanian yang mengakibatkan efisiensi pemberian air irigasi berkurang. Pengelolaan aset irigasi yang baik sangat penting untuk menjaga keberlanjutan produksi pangan. Kajian ini mengusulkan metode manajemen aset irigasi yang terstruktur, mulai dari diskusi dengan para <em>stakeholders</em>, survei lapangan, analisis citra satelit, hingga penentuan pola optimalisasi pengelolaan jaringan irigasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pembuatan peta ikhtisar membantu pemantauan kerusakan jaringan dan pembaruan inventaris jaringan irigasi. Selanjutnya untuk mengatasi permasalahan pada jaringan memerlukan penilaian performa jaringan menyeluruh, perbaikan, pembersihan, pelatihan kepada masyarakat, partisipasi aktif dari berbagai pihak, dukungan pendanaan, dan monitoring berkala.</p>I Gusti Ngurah Hesa Respati Haditama
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdi Daya
2024-08-222024-08-2241122010.22225/jad.4.1.2024.12-20Product Innovation Utilization for building better Sustainable Enterpreneur Performance: Kademangan Villages Community Service Implementation
<p><em>South Tangerang experienced rapid development of MSMEs after the pandemic, the South Tangerang City Cooperatives and SMEs Service (Tangsel) noted a growing trend in the number of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Data from the South Tangerang City Cooperatives and SMEs Service shows that there were around 40 thousand GENERAL actors, before the pandemic. After the pandemic around 89 thousand. Now it is approaching around 140 thousand. Keranggan Village has a lot of interest in food and beverage products, or it could be said that the sector most involved in by MSME players is culinary. Around 70 percent of MSME players in the culinary sector, starting from roasted nuts, ketapang seeds, banana chips, kembang goyang, and other types of chips. Initially it started with consumption by local people only, but continued to grow outside the Keranggan area, but it is still traditional. Some assistance from the local government and other government institutions to develop MSMEs in Keranggan. There are several superior Keranggan plants that are hampered in their development due to several things, especially supply chain factors, namely the production of roasted peanuts. Several years ago, before the Covid-19 pandemic, these roasted peanuts became a favorite because they entered China, even though they had no product identity. Keranggan roasted peanuts have been famous since the City of South Tangerang was not yet formed. This Keranggan roasted peanut snack tastes different from other roasted peanut snacks. The difference lies in the way it is processed by roasting it using sand, which is its own characteristic. Because the processing method is still traditional, the resulting taste is different from other roasted peanut products. The raw material for peanuts is sent from Central Java and East Java, because in Keranggan there are no residents who grow peanuts because there is no agricultural land anymore. The high cost of raw materials means production is reduced. The results of the production are distributed to stalls and markets around South Tangerang and also marketed to various areas in Jabodetabek.</em></p>Mochamad Soelton
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdi Daya
<p>Desa Adat Sibetan, Bali, memiliki warisan budaya dan alam yang kaya, terutama Pura Telaga Tista yang menjadi pusat kegiatan keagamaan dan budaya. Tepat bersebelahan dengan Pura Telaga Tista, Beji Telaga Tista, merupakan tempat pemandian. Beji tidak hanya digunakan secara fungsional sebagai tempat pemandian, dalam kaitannya pada umar Hindu dan lokasinya di Bali, beji juga digunakan sebagai tempat suci dan memiliki nilai warisan budaya. Pada konteks lokasi di Beji Telaga Tista ini, kini mulai sepi digunakan oleh masyarakat karena kurangnya penataan pada beji tersebut, sehingga kurangnya privasi dan kenyamanan masyarakat. Proposal ini bertujuan mengembangkan konsep penataan Beji Telaga Tista dengan melibatkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat. Permasalahan utama melibatkan ketidaknyamanan dan kurangnya fasilitas penunjang di Beji Telaga Tista serta kebutuhan akan konsep penataan ke arah pariwisata yang sesuai. Metode pelaksanaan mencakup penjajakan awal dengan mitra, pengumpulan data melalui survey, wawancara, dan observasi lapangan, pengolahan data secara deskriptif kualitatif, penyusunan konsep pengembangan, FGD untuk mendapatkan feedback masyarakat, revisi dokumen dan penyusunan laporan kegiatan dan luaran. Partisipasi mitra dan masyarakat sangat penting, terutama dalam pengumpulan data dan pendekatan perancangan arsitektur partisipatif. Pengembangan konsep penataan yang diusulkan melibatkan penyusunan masterplan dengan pengembangan fasilitas pendukung, seperti <em>entrance</em> dan penanda, area pemandian, ruang tunggu, ruang ganti, dan area parkir, dengan tetap mempertahankan nilai-nilai keagamaan dan budaya serupa dengan kondisi eksisting saat ini. Pengembangan konsep penataan ini disusun berdasarkan hasil diskusi dengan pengguna dan perwakilan Desa Adat Sibetan yang menjadi pengelola.</p>Kadek Tania Utami Putri
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdi Daya
2024-08-222024-08-2241314010.22225/jad.4.1.2024.31-40Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Perlindungan Mata Air di Desa Adat Sibetan, Karangasem, Bali
<p><em>In addition to its benefits as a means of fulfilling water needs, springs in Bali Province also play a role in religious activities in Bali. Religious rituals that utilize springs as a means are melukat. Melukat is a self-cleansing ritual that is currently popular as religious tourism offered by several spring areas in Bali. Yeh Jepun Spring located in Sibetan Village is used as a source of clean water for the surrounding community. The condition of the spring is currently threatened by flooding that occurs in the river so spring protection is needed. This activity is carried out by designing protection and arrangement of springs to be able to provide added value to the spring area. The implementation of the activity begins with the implementation of a survey in the form of a topographic survey, discharge measurement survey, and water quality testing. The results of this activity are embankments surrounding the spring, spring boundaries and the arrangement of springs.</em></p>Kadek Windy Candrayana
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdi Daya
2024-08-222024-08-2241414910.22225/jad.4.1.2024.41-49The Planning of Bill of Quantity for the Construction of the Sibetan Village Market
<p><em>The village of Sibetan in Bebandem District, Karangasem Regency, has promising potential in the agricultural sector, one of which is the snakeskin fruit. Most of the villagers in Sibetan own snakeskin fruit fields, which serve as their main source of livelihood. The distribution of this snakeskin fruit can be done by selling it at the market. However, the Sibetan village market does not yet have adequate facilities, so planning documents are needed for its development. The Bill of Quantity (BOQ) is one of the documents required to realize the construction. In this activity, the BOQ for the Sibetan village market will be prepared using the design already owned by the village authorities. The unit price method will be used to prepare the RAB for the Sibetan village market. The results of the activity indicate that the construction of the Sibetan village market requires a budget of IDR 701,950,397. The prepared BOQ will later be used to draft funding proposals, serve as a basis for decision-making, contract drafting, and cost control during the construction implementation.</em></p>I Gusti Agung Gede Nodya Dharmastika
Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdi Daya