• Ananta Triyatmojo Fakultas Hukum Universitas Narotama Surabaya
  • Endang Sri Kawuryan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Narotama Surabaya
Keywords: Sertipikat pengganti, perlindungan hukum, kekuatan hukum


Pada akhir-akhir ini, untuk bertransaksi atas hak atas tanah yang tanda bukti haknya berupa sertipikat pengganti karena hilang, banyak pihak yang meragukan kekuatan hukum dan kepastian hukum dari serpikat pengganti karena hilang tersebut, maka perlu dilakukian analisis dengan cara diskripsi komparatif, yakni dengan mengetengahkan prosedur penerbitan sertipikat pengganti karena hilang, dengan segala karakteristiknya.Dari hasil analisis dengan metode diskripsi komparatif dari ketentuan-ketentuan perundangan yang terkait nampak bahwa kedudukan hukum serpikat pengganti karena hilang sama halnya sertipikat originer, dan mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama pula, serta bagi pihak-pihak yang mengadakan transaksi terhadap hak atas tanah yang tanda bukti haknya berupa sertipikat pengganti karena hilang tidak perlu ragu-ragu, karana ia memperoleh perlindungan hukum baik perdata, pidana maupun tata usaha negara. In recent years, to transact land rights whose proof of rights is in the form of a replacement certificate due to disappearance, there are many who doubt the legal power and legal certainty of the successor's replacement because it is missing, it is necessary to conduct an analysis by means of a comparative description, the procedure of issuance of the replacement certificate because it is lost, with all its characteristics. From the results of the analysis with the comparative description method of the relevant provisions of the law it appears that the status of the substitute law as a lost due to the originer certificate, and has the same legal force, as well as for the parties who entered into the transaction of land rights which the evidence his right in the form of a substitute certificate because of missing need not hesitate, because he obtained legal protection both civil, criminal and state administration.


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