Pelaksanaan Surat Edaran Menteri Tenaga Kerja No 907 Tahun 2004 terhadap Tenaga Kerja di Bidang Pariwisata yang dirumahkan Akibat Pandemi Covid-19 Studi Kasus Rumah Bali Villa

  • Made Tania Anjayani Oka
  • I Wayan Wesna Astara Univesitas Warmadewa
  • Ni Made Jaya Senasti Univesitas Warmadewa
Keywords: labor, pandemic covid-19, employment agreements, homegrown workers.


The law is used to realize justice, benefit, and legal certainty. To get a decent life in need of a job in order to support life. The Covid-19 pandemic has left many workers at home in this street chosen by companies to reduce the number of corporate losses. The formulation of the issue raised is how the legal arrangements against the workforce are home? and how is the implementation of bali villa house to the homegrown labor? With the aim to understand and find government policies on legal protection of the workforce at home, understand the policies of bali villa home companies in providing policies in housing the workforce. The type of research method used is empirical law. The data sources used are primary data, secondary data. In data collection techniques used using recording techniques, documents and interviews. In this study the analysis was conducted descriptively, systemically, and explantation. This implementation was conducted at Rumah Bali Villa, Nusa Dua, Bali. The rule of law in carrying out employment contracts is stipulated in article 54 paragraph 1 Undan-Law N0 13 Year 2004 on Employment, while in an emergency like this the government issued a rule in the Ministerial Circular No. 907 of 2004 on the Prevention of Mass Termination of Employment.


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