Pelaksanaan Peraturan Bupati Badung Nomor 38 Tahun 2018 Dalam Pemberian Bantuan Perlindungan Sosial Bagi Para Lanjut Usia Di Kabupaten Badung

  • Dhiananda Ningrat
  • I Ketut Sukadana
  • Desak Gede Dwi Arini
Keywords: Keywords: Social Service, social welfare assistance, elderly


In order to realize a decent and beneficial life, and fulfill the rights to the basic needs of society in order to achieve social welfare for the elderly of the Badung Regency Government  through  the  social  Service  provides  social  protection  assistance  to  the elderly   in   Badung  regency  which  is   carried  out   in   a   directional,  planned  and sustainable. Distribution of social compensation to the elderly with the issuance of the rule  of  Badung  Regent  Number  38  year  2018  about  social  protection  assistance Elderly. Compensation for elderly people of Badung regency at the launching of the PEAK of the anniversary Mangupura to 9 which fell on November 16, 2018. The issue of problems used in this research is:(1) How to exercise in the provision of social protection for elderly in Badung Regency;(2)what is the inhibitory factor in the provision of elderly social    protection    assistance    in    Badung    regency. This    study    was    conducted using empiricallegal   research. Data and data sources of This    research    is    a    primer that is through field research and secondary material writing experts and the results of scientists are then processed and analyzed descriptively to get a conclusion. Based on the results  of  the  study,  it  can  be  concluded that the  implementation of  the  continued assistance of age aims to provide social assistance for the elderly in the Badung Regency, that the barriers faced by social services in the distribution of social assistance due to not synchronicity the data in the village/Kelurahan with data existing in the social service of Badung Regency. The advice given by the author is expected to have the ation between the logging conducted by the village apparatus/Kelurahan related to the number of elderly who have each region so that the social allowances can be shared evenly and precisely the target so that the aid is delivered appropriately.

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