RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa <p style="text-align: justify;">JURNAL RETORIKA is the Journal of Linguistics who published research articles and of theoretical articles in linguistic science. The scope of this journal includes linguistics micro and macro. The scope of linguistics micro restricted to the fields of syntax, morphology, phonology, typology and semantics, whereas the scope of linguistics macro restricted to sociolinguistics, antropolinguistic , language-teaching , eco-linguistic and translation. The journal is published on April, August, and December published by Warmadewa Press. ISSN printed version of Retorika Journal is 2406-9019 and ISSN electronic of this journal is 2443-0668. Available online at since April 10 , 2015. To have the contents of this journal indexed within a globally distributed system of research databases, we have OAI url :</p> Program Studi Magister Ilmu Linguistik Universitas Warmadewa en-US RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2406-9019 <p>This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.</p> <p>All articles published Open Access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. We are continuously working with our author communities to select the best choice of license options, currently being defined for this journal as follows: <em>Creative Commons-Non Ceomercial-Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA)</em></p> Expressive Speech Acts of Buyer Comments on the Jennskin Naturals Officials Shopee Account <p>This research was motivated by the many expressive speech acts contained in buyers' comments on the Shopee Jennskin Naturals Officials account. Buyers' expressive speech acts have an important position and greatly influence the psychology of other buyers regarding their satisfaction with the online shopping experience. The problem of this research is how to express the expressive speech acts of buyers' comments on the Shopee Jennskin Naturals Officials account. The aim of this research is to explore and elaborate on the expressive speech acts of buyers' comments on the Shopee Jennskin Naturals Officials account. The theory used in this research is the theory of expressive speech acts proposed by Searle. This research uses a qualitative approach with the content analysis method. The data in this research are expressive speech contained in buyers' comments on the Jennskin Naturals Official shopee account. The data source for this research is the speech in the comments of buyers of the Jennskin Naturals Official shopee account which were spoken by buyers of deodorant products with screenshots. Data collection techniques use documentation and notes. Data analysis techniques in this research are data transcription, classification or grouping data, description stage or analyzing data and concluding data. The results of this research found a total of 201 data of expressive speech, there were 63 data of thanks, 14 congratulated, blamed 20 and praised 104. Of the expressive speech found, the most dominant was the expressive speech of praise. The usefulness of this study in education can be a guide for teachers, students and other readers in expressing appropriate speech to interlocutors in their daily lives</p> Afiyah Masruri Rika Ningsih Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 1 10 10.55637/jr.10.1.9376.1-10 Never Give Up Attitude in the Novel of Negeri 5 Menara as A Reinforcement of the Pancasila Student Profile <p>This qualitative study explores the depiction of the "never give up" attitude in Ahmad Fuadi's novel "Negeri 5 Menara," focusing on its role in reinforcing the Pancasila student profile. Utilizing a methodological framework grounded in theoretical sources, the research conducts an in-depth investigation employing literature review, analysis, and presentation techniques. Data collection methods include library research and meticulous note-taking, with a structured strategy centered on focused inquiry and single case studies. Semiotic analysis is employed to uncover layers of meaning within the text, with data validation conducted through theoretical triangulation. The findings highlight the portrayal of the never give up attitude as the characters' relentless pursuit of success, influenced by their experiences at Pesantren Madani. Key principles shaping this attitude are identified, including "man jadda wajada" (Whoever strives will succeed) and "I’timadu alā nafsik" (Stand on your own feet). In conclusion, the study emphasizes the significance of the never-give-up attitude in fortifying the Pancasila student profile, fostering resilience and determination. It underscores the intricate interplay between literary portrayal and societal values, offering insights for educators and scholars.</p> Darmiyati Darmiyati Mukti Widayati Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 11 18 10.55637/jr.10.1.9379.11-18 Expressive Speech Actions in Column YouTube Account Comments Cyber Pragmatics Perspective <p>The purpose of this study is to explore and elaborate the functions of expressive speech acts based on cti</p> Fiamanillah Fiamanillah Fatmawati Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 19 33 10.55637/jr.10.1.9361.19-33 Formation of Social Values through the Use of Kulisusu Language in North Buton Regency Elementary School Students <p>Kulisusu language is one aspect of culture that can shape a person's identity and enrich the culture of students in North Buton Regency. In an educational context, the use of Kulisusu language can help students understand local values and culture around them. The aim of this research is to determine the formation of social values through the use of the Kulisusu language among elementary school students in North Buton Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive research, using Field Research type of research, which is based on the results obtained through field research. Regarding the objects discussed in accordance with the reality that occurs in elementary schools in North Buton Regency. The approach used in this research is a semantic approach. The semantic approach is an approach to looking at speech forms and interpreting speech forms in the Kulisusu language. The data source required in this research is data obtained from informants or informants, in this case teachers who were randomly assigned to 20 teachers. The type of data used in this research is the use of the Kulisusu language. Data collection techniques use field observation with a persuasive approach to teachers, and interviews are conducted to obtain research results that are in accordance with the research. The results of this research show that the role of the Kulisusu language in increasing social values among students, thereby facilitating effective interpersonal interactions and encouraging the introduction of cultural identity. Concretely preserving local languages and culture, including including regional language education in the curriculum and promoting local media that uses regional languages. With this holistic approach, students can strengthen their cultural identity and pass it on to future generations</p> Acoci Acoci Muhammad Yusnan Irman Matje Wa Ode Nurfita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 34 42 10.55637/jr.10.1.8100.34-42 Forensic Linguistic Exploration of the Use of Taboo Words in Everyday Communication <p>In contemporary communication dynamics, the usage of taboo words has become a focal point, reflecting the intricacies of human interaction. This study employs a forensic linguistic approach to delve into this phenomenon, specifically aiming to elucidate the underlying linguistic dynamics shaping language use in daily interactions. The analysis process incorporates specific forensic linguistic techniques, including discourse analysis and linguistic methodologies, to investigate the role of taboo words as significant evidence in both legal and social contexts. Through a fusion of qualitative research methods, data comprising taboo words, phrases, and sentences are gathered from community discourse via participant observation methods. Researchers meticulously document discourse through various means such as recordings, notes, and interviews, subsequently transcribing and categorizing the collected data. The findings of the analysis reveal three societal taboos: fear, delicacy, and propriety. Furthermore, this research concludes with a statement highlighting the broader implications of the findings, emphasizing the importance of understanding language's role in shaping social reality not only in everyday interactions but also in forensic contexts. This contributes to a deeper understanding of linguistic dynamics and their relevance in both legal and social spheres</p> Carolina Sasabone Jefriyanto Saud Ishak Bagea Achmad Hidir Ahmad Munawir Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 43 57 10.55637/jr.10.1.9297.43-57 The Role of Social Media Toward EFL Students’ Writing Skills <p>The landscape of higher education in Indonesia underscores the significance of English proficiency for academic advancement. Traditionally, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction heavily relied on face-to-face classroom interactions guided by lecturers. However, the emergence of information technology has revolutionized learning paradigms, offering EFL students diverse opportunities beyond conventional classroom boundaries. This study investigates the pivotal role of social media platforms in enhancing the writing skills of EFL students. Utilizing a descriptive research design, data were collected from 54 participants enrolled in English III classes in 2021, focusing on English writing. Quantitative data and specific examples were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. The findings revealed a resoundingly positive response from students regarding the efficacy of social media in improving their writing skills. Furthermore, the study elucidated various benefits derived from social media use, including enhanced writing proficiency, expanded English vocabulary, and overall effectiveness as a supplementary learning tool. Thus, it is evident that social media harbors immense potential as a complementary platform for bolstering English writing skills, particularly for EFL students, offering a modern approach to language education.</p> I Gusti Agung Vony Purnama Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 58 65 10.55637/jr.10.1.7184.58-65 A Qualitative Study on Tertiary EFL Teachers’ Reflective Practices <p>Reflective practice is vital in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, facilitating transformative teaching and learning. This study addresses the research gap by exploring the types of reflective practices commonly used by eleven tertiary EFL teachers. The present study aims to investigate the types of reflective practice frequently employed by tertiary EFL teachers to enhance their professional development. Data collection involved a qualitative approach using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with participants from a private university in Salatiga. The study identified a strong commitment to reflective practice among the participants, engaging in reflection-in-action, reflection-on-action, and reflection-for-action.&nbsp; Assessing students' attitudes, tailoring education to meet the individual needs of students, analyzing previous experiences for valuable insights and alternative approaches, and engaging in self-reflection to address instructional challenges are included in the three primary types of reflection. This study highlights the significance of reflective practices in nurturing teachers' professional growth and emphasizes the potential for ongoing improvement through self-awareness and self-assessment. Future research can further explore additional reflective teaching types and develop strategies to promote reflective practices among teachers.</p> Irma Amy Picauly Listyani Listyani Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 66 78 10.55637/jr.10.1.9157.66-78 Code Mixing Used by Niki Zefanya in Najwa Shihab’s Youtube Channel <p>This study explores the phenomenon of code-mixing as observed in the discourse of Niki Zefanya on Najwa Shihab's YouTube channel, utilizing the theoretical frameworks proposed by Muysken (2000) and Hoffman. The aim is to elucidate Niki Zefanya's motivations behind code-mixing in this context. Through a descriptive qualitative approach, the research delves into code-mixing practices on social media platforms, particularly YouTube, seeking to deepen our understanding of this linguistic phenomenon. Data collection involved meticulous observation and note-taking during the YouTube video "Eksklusif: Apa Adanya Rich Brian &amp; NIKI | Mata Najwa" hosted by Najwa Shihab, focusing on Niki Zefanya's linguistic expressions. The analysis employed a combination of formal and informal methods. The findings highlighted 7 instances of insertion, 6 of alternation, and 8 of congruent lexicalization, showcasing the diverse manifestations of code-mixing. These insights contribute to our understanding of language use in online content, particularly in the realm of sociolinguistics. This study also reflects on the broader implications of the findings for sociolinguistic research, considering the significance of code-mixing in contemporary digital communication. Understanding these implications could offer valuable insights for future research endeavors in sociolinguistics.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ni Komang Trisna Arisedani I Gusti Ayu Vina Widiadnya Putri Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 79 86 10.55637/jr.10.1.7951.79-86 An Analysis Conjunctions Used in Tripadvisor Reviews of Prama Sanur Beach Hotel <p>This study investigates the usage and functions of conjunctions in TripAdvisor reviews of the Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. Utilizing descriptive methods, both formal and informal language in the reviews were meticulously scrutinized. The data encompassed TripAdvisor reviews from January 2018 to December 2019. Conjunctions were discerned employing note-taking techniques and were subsequently classified. Out of 235 instances, 13 were deliberately chosen for in-depth analysis. The findings unveil four primary types of conjunctions: additive, adversative, causal, and temporal, with adversative conjunctions emerging as the most prevalent. Moreover, the study acknowledges potential limitations, such as inherent biases in the selection of reviews and constraints in the analytical approach. Additionally, it is noted that conjunctions predominantly manifest as individual words. Furthermore, the study discerns common patterns and recurring themes within these conjunction types.</p> Pande Putu Dian Pramesti Ida Ayu Putri Gita Ardiantari Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 87 93 10.55637/jr.10.1.7960.87-93 Development of an Inquiry-Based Learning Module on the Material of Analyzing the Structure of Negotiation Texts for Class X Vocational School Negeri 2 Mandrehe <p>This research endeavors to create a learning module aimed at analyzing negotiation text structures, specifically tailored for class X at SMK Negeri 2 Mandrehe. The objective is to ensure the module's feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness. Employing a Research and Development approach, the study adopts a 4D model consisting of Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. Validation was conducted by three experts—material, language, and design—alongside small and large group testing within the class. Notable progress was achieved through revisions, with the material expert validation reaching 94% in revision II and design expert validation attaining 95.7%. During small group tests, practicality assessments yielded a score of 96.5%, while field trials demonstrated a practicality rate of 93.3%. The module's effectiveness was confirmed with a 100% success rate in small group tests and an 88% success rate in field trials. In summary, this research highlights the development of a comprehensive learning module tailored for class X, focusing on the analysis of negotiation text structures.</p> Sani Vesti Wita Gulo Riana Riana Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 10 1 94 100 10.55637/jr.10.1.8030.94-100 Cultural Semiotics Analysis of Traditional Bantengan Art: Exploring Function, Symbolic Meaning, Moral Significance, and Existence <p>Traditional Bantengan art is not only a rich cultural heritage laden with meanings and symbolism but also reflects the richness and complexity of society. This research aims to explore the functions, symbolic meanings, moral significance, and existence of traditional Bantengan art through the lens of cultural semiotics. Through the cultural semiotics approach, various elements such as gestures, music, and visual symbols in Bantengan performances are dissected to understand the complexity and diversity of meanings created. Furthermore, this research explores the adaptation and evolution of Bantengan art in the context of social, political, and economic dynamics in the era of globalization. This is a qualitative study, with data focusing on functions, symbolic meanings, moral significance, and existence, sourced from traditional Bantengan art. The method used to collect data is the participatory observation method. Researchers observe traditional Bantengan performances through recording and note-taking techniques. Additionally, interviews are conducted with religious figures, elders, artists, cultural experts, and the communities of Mojokerto and Malang, along with document analysis. After data collection, the researcher reduces and classifies the data by type. Subsequently, the researcher verifies and codes the data according to its type. The interpreted data is then presented in tables. The results of the research indicate that traditional Bantengan art encompasses various functions, symbolic meanings, and moral messages reflecting the spirit of courage, solidarity, and sacrifice of the community during the resistance against the Dutch colonialists. Nevertheless, the existence of Bantengan art in the cities of Malang and Mojokerto remains enduring, signifying its value and continuity within local culture</p> Sawitri Sawitri Ummul Khasanah Ishak Bagea Ria Kristia Fatmasari Pande Wayan Renawati Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 101 112 10.55637/jr.10.1.9336.101-112 Expressive Speech Acts in the Kpu.Ri Instagram Comments <p>This research delves into the multitude of expressive speech acts evident in the Instagram comment section of the KPU Statement concerning the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate Debate during the 2024 Election, particularly on the official KPU_RI Instagram account. It aims to address the prevalence and nature of these speech acts within the @KPU_RI Instagram comments. Employing a qualitative approach with content analysis methods, this study explores and elaborates on expressive speech acts in response to the KPU_RI Instagram post titled "KPU's Statement Regarding the 2024 Election Debate and Vice Presidential Candidates". Data collection involves extracting comments from KPU statement uploads on the KPU_RI Instagram account containing expressive speech acts, utilizing documentation, listening, and note-taking techniques. Analysis entails coding, data classification to identify relationships, and drawing conclusions. The findings reveal 199 instances of expressive speech acts, including praise, congratulations, criticism, gratitude, blame, and condolences. Notably, criticism emerges as the dominant form, reflecting public dissatisfaction or disagreement with KPU's decisions or policies regarding the 2024 Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election debate. These insights shed light on the dynamics of expressive speech acts in online discourse surrounding electoral processes.</p> Ulfa Nafila Rika Ningsih Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 10 1 112 121 10.55637/jr.10.1.9315.112-121 Violation of the Principle of Cooperation in the Drama Script "Strangers" by Rupert Brook: A Pragmatics Study <p>This study aims to describe the violation of the principle of cooperation contained in the drama script <em>"Stranger"</em> by Rupert Brook using pragmatic studies. This type of research is qualitative which is descriptive qualitative. The data in this study used the drama script <em>Stranger</em> by Rupert Brook translated by D.Djajakusuma. While the data source is obtained through the internet sourced from <em></em> which is a translated script from D.Djajakusuma. The method of data collection in this study uses the Simak method with advanced techniques, namely note-taking techniques. Meanwhile, the data analysis method uses two methods, namely Intralingual Pairing as the first step to examine the data through efforts to compare one sentence with other sentences in order to get a dialog that violates the principle of cooperation and Extralingual Pairing to examine something that is outside the language such as concerning the meaning, information and context of speech. The method of presenting the results of data analysis uses Formal methods in the form of parentheses (( )) and Informal methods. The result of this research shows the violation of four maxims of cooperation principle, with the number of them are: 1) violation of quantity maxim 40 utterances; 2) violation of quality maxim 4 utterances; 3) violation of relevance maxim 35 utterances; and 4) violation of manner maxim 2 utterances. The use of dialog that violates the principle of cooperation created by the author aims to create an interesting conflict and also provide tension in a story. This also appears to be related to the theme in the drama script which is a tragedy. So as to create interesting dynamics by deliberately violating the maxim of quantity in order to provide a high effect of tension and curiosity by violating the maxim of relevance.</p> Nadila Urningsih Mochammad Asyhar Muh. Khairussibyan Burhanuddin Burhanuddin Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 10 1 122 142 10.55637/jr.10.1.9384.122-142 Development of Powerpoint Learning Media on the Material of Examining the Structure of Review Text (Poetry) Class VIII Smp Negeri 1 Moro'o <p>The primary aim of this research is to create PowerPoint learning media specifically designed to facilitate the review of poetry structures within textual analysis, with a focus on feasibility, practicality, and effectiveness. Following the systematic approach of the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), this study incorporates various methods including material expert validation questionnaires, linguistic assessments, design expert evaluations, as well as feedback from students and assessments of learning outcomes. The findings reveal the successful development of PowerPoint learning materials tailored to the needs of poetry review text analysis. Notably, feasibility evaluations demonstrated promising results, with material expert assessments achieving a revision rate of 67.3% in the initial stage and a perfect score of 100% in the subsequent revision. Linguistic assessments similarly improved from 65.7% in the first revision to 94.2% in the second. Design expert evaluations showed a significant increase from 38.9% to 94.7% between revisions. Practicality assessments from small group and field trials scored impressively at 96% and 94.2%, respectively, indicating high levels of practical application. Furthermore, effectiveness evaluations exhibited noteworthy outcomes, with a 100% success rate in small group trials and a commendable 92% success rate in field trials, underscoring substantial effectiveness. In conclusion, the developed PowerPoint learning media emerges as a feasible, practical, and effective tool for enhancing the learning process, particularly in the context of reviewing poetry structures. These findings contribute to the advancement of educational technology and instructional design practices.</p> Benedikta Waruwu Riana Riana Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 143 151 10.55637/jr.10.1.7995.143-151 Innovation and Development of English Language Learning Media Based on Information Technology at State Islamic College of Madina, North Sumatra <p>Recognizing the critical intersection of technology and education, particularly in language acquisition, the State Islamic College of Madina in North Sumatra undertook a study to investigate the innovation and development of English language learning media through Information Technology (IT) integration. The study aimed to address the following objectives: firstly, to identify the existing technological landscape in English language instruction; secondly, to assess the effectiveness of IT-based learning resources; and finally, to explore opportunities for improvement and future development in this domain. This research seeks to bridge the gap in literature by examining the nuanced impact of IT integration on English language education within the context of a religious institution. Employing a mixed-methods approach, data were gathered from students, educators, and administrators to gain insights into their perceptions of IT-based learning resources. The key findings revealed varying levels of technological competence among participants, impacting their engagement with IT tools. Educators emphasized the necessity of seamlessly integrating technology into lessons to enhance student engagement and learning experiences. Meanwhile, students acknowledged the convenience of digital resources but highlighted challenges such as technical issues and content relevance. Notable trends include the importance of investing in educator professional development and improving IT resource accessibility.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Dina Syarifah NST M. Zaim Haris Efendi Tahar Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 152 165 10.55637/jr.10.1.9430.152-165 Women's Rebellion in Tarian Bumi: Challenging Patriarchal Culture in Oka Rusmini’s Novel <p>"In 'Tarian Bumi,' the narrative vividly portrays Balinese women's defiance against the entrenched patriarchal norms of their society. The protagonist, Ida Ayu Telaga, emerges as a symbol of courage, challenging the oppressive customs that confine women's autonomy and expression. This research endeavors to delve into the diverse manifestations of Balinese women's resistance against patriarchal hegemony, employing a feminist lens. Utilizing a descriptive qualitative approach, the study mines the rich textual landscape of 'Tarian Bumi' for instances of women's defiance. The methodology involves a meticulous examination of the novel, supplemented by insights from various secondary sources such as books, theses, articles, and news reports on women's struggles against patriarchy. Through a process of data reduction, classification, and validation, the researcher identifies recurring themes of resistance encoded within the text. The findings underscore a spectrum of challenges, encompassing traditional gender roles, marital expectations, familial constraints, religious and social inequalities, and instances of gender-based violence. These acts of resistance are articulated through diverse mediums including written expressions, philosophical reflections, and symbolic dances—a testament to the enduring struggle for justice. By illuminating these narratives of defiance, the research serves as a catalyst for critical reflection, urging readers to interrogate prevailing patriarchal paradigms and advocate for gender equity."</p> Weldemina Yudit Tiwery Jefriyanto Saud Everhad Markiano Solissa Cicilia Tantri Suryawati Rahmi Setiawati Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 166 182 10.55637/jr.10.1.9453.166-182 Uncovering Alleged Hate Speech in Ahmad Dhani's Statements: A Forensic Linguistic Study <p>This study delves into hate speech instances within social media statements by Ahmad Dhani Prasetyo (ADP) using forensic linguistic analysis. Leveraging advanced data mining techniques, relevant data was extracted from ADP's Twitter account. Through meticulous lexical, grammatical, and pragmatic analysis, expressions of hate speech and defamation within these online statements were identified and categorized. The significant findings offer a comprehensive understanding of hate speech's linguistic features in social media contexts, contributing to forensic linguistics and digital communication discourse. Moreover, practical insights are provided for drafting investigation reports and informing legal decisions and policies regarding online defamation. By emphasizing the importance of linguistic analysis in identifying and addressing hate speech, this research presents a methodological framework applicable to similar cases in the future. Ultimately, this study underscores the broader implications and relevance of linguistic analysis in combating hate speech in digital platforms, paving the way for future research directions and applications</p> Harto Malik Jefriyanto Saud Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 183 195 10.55637/jr.10.1.9341.183-195 Exploring the Influence of English Song Viewing on Second Language Acquisition: A Psycholinguistic Study <p>The importance of English as a second language (L2) has heightened in the era of globalization, with individuals worldwide striving for proficiency in academic, professional, and social contexts. This study investigates the influence of watching English-language songs on L2 acquisition, with a particular focus on psycholinguistic aspects. Employing a qualitative descriptive approach, the data consists of words, phrases, and sentences extracted from selected songs such as "Happier," "All I Want," "Glimpse of Us," and "Oops!... Did It Again." Through participant observation, researchers evaluate the impact of these songs on comprehension, pronunciation, listening skills, and reading abilities. Interviews further delve into the research objectives, supported by recordings and note-taking. The analysis, utilizing reflective interpretive methods, draws upon the experiences of both researchers and respondents. Oral data undergoes transcription, classification, reduction, and verification, which are then organized into tables for interpretation. The findings indicate that exposure to English songs enhances L2 proficiency, particularly in improving understanding of meaning, vocabulary acquisition, pronunciation accuracy, listening acuity, and reading fluency. These results hold significant implications for language teaching practices and future research on L2 acquisition. Integrating English songs into curricula provides engaging avenues for learners to develop listening, pronunciation, vocabulary, and reading skills. Incorporating diverse, authentic language materials, such as songs, enriches learning environments by reflecting real-life language usage. The study highlights the value of qualitative methodologies, such as participant observation and interviews, in comprehending the psycholinguistic processes involved in L2 acquisition. Future research could explore various song types, genres, and proficiency levels, while also assessing the long-term impacts of music-based language teaching. In conclusion, these findings contribute to evidence-based language teaching practices and advance our understanding of the cognitive mechanisms involved in L2 acquisition</p> Lela Susanty Aan Fatwa Setiawan Ishak Bagea Nyayu Yayu Suryani Dian Heriani Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 196 212 10.55637/jr.10.1.9386.196-212 Investigating Buying-Selling Communication Patterns in The Kangean Community at Kalikatak Market: An Ethnographic Communication Approach <p>This research aims to investigate the communication dynamics within the Kangean community during buying and selling activities at Kalikatak Market, employing an ethnographic communication approach. Through participant observation and interviews, the study explores communication strategies, language variations, linguistic codes, and cultural norms prevalent in these interactions. Data collection involved attentive listening, recording, and note-taking during market interactions, supplemented by a reflective introspective method to engage both researcher and respondents in communication patterns. The speech data collected was transcribed, condensed, categorized, and validated, leading to the interpretation of findings represented in a visual scheme illustrating communication dynamics. The study reveals the predominant use of the Kangean Dialect Malay Language (KDML) with the ako-kao language variety in buying and selling interactions, along with the role of non-verbal cues as signals and linguistic codes reflecting cultural identity. Additionally, cultural norms emphasizing sincerity, attentiveness, and honesty were observed. This research provides valuable insights into the communication patterns within the Kangean community at Kalikatak Market, shedding light on the intricacies of social interaction in a marketplace setting and suggesting avenues for further exploration.</p> Mohamad Sudi Hanif Saputra Affandi Damayanti Masduki Siska Armawati Sufa Lela Susanty Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 213 227 10.55637/jr.10.1.9431.213-227 Hastag War on Social Media: Unraveling Framing Strategies in the Duel #2019GantiPresiden Vs. #DiaSibukKerja <p>Social media has emerged as the primary avenue for individuals to articulate their political and social stances. Hashtag wars, a prevalent phenomenon, witness divergent groups utilizing hashtags to promote their agendas and express viewpoints. Within the political realm, these hashtag battles often serve as arenas for discourse and mass mobilization. This study aimed to unveil the framing strategies employed in the hashtag war between <em>#2019GantiPresiden</em> and <em>#DiaSibukKerja</em> on social media. Utilizing a content analysis approach, the research scrutinizes hashtag usage, conveyed messages, and user responses. Various framing techniques, including episodic and thematic framing, alongside positive and negative framing, are analyzed. Moreover, the research explores the influence of social media usage and user interactions on the dissemination of political messages during hashtag wars. Findings indicate the dominance of <em>#2019GantiPresiden</em> in the social media hashtag war. The framing strategies and political discourse of both hashtags serve distinct purposes. <em>#2019GantiPresiden</em> utilizes sentiment-driven or provocative language to highlight dissatisfaction with Jokowi's leadership, while <em>#DiaSibukKerja</em> underscores Jokowi's achievements, emphasizing stability and success. In terms of hashtag impact, <em>#2019GantiPresiden</em> effectively influences public opinion and garners widespread support. Conversely, <em>#DiaSibukKerja</em> succeeds in portraying Jokowi's leadership positively. The practical implications of this research can aid stakeholders in politics and social media to comprehend effective framing techniques for disseminating political messages through digital platforms.</p> Nawiruddin Nawiruddin Sirojuddin Aly Agus Nugraha Siska Armawati Sufa M Wiranata Pratama Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 228 247 10.55637/jr.10.1.9363.228-247 Investigating the Attitude on Blended Learning Adaptability among Nursing Faculty Students <p>Recent decades have witnessed substantial transformations in education, particularly with the advent of information and communication technology. Among the notable innovations is blended learning (BL), increasingly adopted as a mainstream approach for foreign language education in higher institutions, particularly for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) classes catering to working students. This paper addresses the growing prominence of blended learning in nursing programs, combining traditional face-to-face instruction with online components. Despite its rise, there remains a gap in understanding how nursing faculty and students perceive and adapt to BL compared to traditional methods. This study investigates students' attitudes towards BL in Nursing Faculty, comparing RPL and regular class students. Employing quantitative research with a survey design, the study likely included closed-ended and Likert scale questions to gauge respondents' attitudes. Results from 148 participants reveal a positive response towards BL adaptability, with 80.4% expressing favorable views. Both RPL and regular class students showed similar positive categorizations, with minor differences in average scores. These findings suggest a high level of adaptability to blended learning among students, underscoring its potential for higher education. Insights gleaned from this study are poised to inform the advancement of blended instruction in academia</p> Kurnia Budiyanti Syahrul Ramadhan Mukhaiyyar Mukhaiyyar Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 248 259 10.55637/jr.10.1.9441.248-259 Enhancing Students’ Reading Comprehension Quality Using the Jigsaw Method: A Case Study of Students in Universities <p>This study explored the enhancement of students' reading comprehension in language learning through the application of the Jigsaw method in university environments. Employing a qualitative research approach, data regarding the improvement of students' reading comprehension quality were gathered from students enrolled at Muhammadiyah Bhuton University, Gorontalo State University, and Muhammadiyah Mataram University. Data collection utilized the observe-participant conversation method, wherein the researcher observed the enhancement of students' reading abilities across multiple campuses. Additionally, interviews with students and lecturers were conducted to investigate research problems, with recording and note-taking techniques employed to ensure data accuracy. Reflective introspective methods were further employed, engaging both the researcher and informants in discourse based on their respective experiences. The collected data underwent reduction, classification, and verification based on their types. Subsequently, the data were tabulated through the assignment of codes to each piece of information, followed by interpretation. The research findings revealed that the improvement of students' reading abilities in Indonesian language courses at Muhammadiyah Bhuton University progressed smoothly and effectively. Furthermore, the enhancement of Arabic language reading abilities at Muhammadiyah Mataram University was broader and more intensive, while the improvement of English language reading abilities at Gorontalo State University contributed to enhanced comprehension of English texts. The practical implications of these findings suggest that cooperative approaches like the Jigsaw method can serve as effective alternatives for enhancing students' reading comprehension abilities in university settings</p> Suryanti Jefriyanto Saud M. Syahrul Izomi Saepulloh Ahmad Hariyadi Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-30 2024-04-30 10 1 260 273 10.55637/jr.10.1.9468.260-273 Expressive Speech Acts in the YouTube Kompas TV Comment Column Based on Cyber Pragmatics Perspective <p>The background of this research is expressive speech act in social media to describe and elaborate the function of expressive speech act based on cyberpragmatics perspective. This study uses a qualitative approach to the content analysis method. The source of data in this study is all language activities contained on the comment page uploaded on September 25, 2023 with a total of 5,832 speeches. The data in this study are all expressive speech acts contained in the comments column totaling 366 utterances. Data collection techniques used are listen, documentation, and record techniques. The research was conducted through YouTube because it makes it easier for netizens to express their speech through the comments column. Based on the analysis, 9 functions of expressive speech acts were found to praise, criticize, congratulate, welcome, accuse, complain, berate, insult and support. The function of speech acts that often arise is the function of praise because it is a form of admiration for someone by the speaker. Speech act the function criticizing serves to provide direction or constructive criticism, function congratulating the form of congratulations on an achievement, function welcoming is expressed when receiving something with a feeling of pleasure, function accusing arises because there is a feeling of dislike for the interlocutor, function complaining expresses a complaint against something, function berating is expressed berating interlocutor, function insulting lowers the degree of speech partner, and function supporting providing support to speech partner. In this study did not find the function of speech acts to thank, sympathize, yell, apologize, forgive, and express condolences.</p> Apri Winda Winda Fatmawati Fatmawati Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 10 1 274 284 10.55637/jr.10.1.9355.274-284 Analysis of Speech and Thought Presentation in Children’s Storybook Frozen: A Stylistic Study <p>Stylistic speech and thought presentation play crucial roles in shaping characters and enriching readers' experiences in children’s storybooks. This study delved into the depiction of speech and thought in the "Frozen" Storybook, an adaptation of Disney's 2013 film. Employing a non-participant descriptive qualitative methodology, the research analyzes internet-accessible data, employing the framework proposed by Leech and Short (2007), categorizing speech and thought into ten distinct categories. The analysis uncovers eight presentation types across twenty-two instances, with speech representation occurring twelve times and thought representation ten times. Predominant categories include IS (Indirect Speech), FIT (Free Indirect Thought), and NRTA (Narrative Report of Thought and Action), each appearing four times. Additionally, FDS (Free Direct Speech), DS (Direct Speech), FIS (Free Indirect Speech), and IT (Indirect Thought) occur three or two times, while NRSA (Narrative Report of Speech Act) occurs once. Notably, DT (Direct Thought) and FDT (Free Direct Thought) are absent. Analyzing speech and thought presentation in children’s storybooks yields insights into characters' communication and cognition, aiding readers, particularly children, in understanding motivations, emotions, and personalities. Furthermore, it fosters language development and enhances comprehension skills by exposing young readers to diverse presentation forms. Additionally, it contributes to literary analysis by elucidating authors' stylistic choices and their storytelling impacts. Ultimately, examining speech and thought presentation enhances both reading experiences and scholarly discourse on children’s literature.</p> Putu Mayra Elke Shafira Ni Made Diana Erfiani Yohanes Octovianus L. Awololon Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-01 2024-05-01 10 1 285 292 10.55637/jr.10.1.9390.285-292 Integrating Reduplication Patterns in The Western Flores Languages <p>This study aims to look at the reduplication patterns in the Western Languages of Flores, i.e., MRK Language Subgroup (Manggarai, Rembong, and Komodo). These three languages are grouped according to the results of the calculation of the percentage of similar languages made by Fernandez (1996). Data was collected through secondary data collection from pre-existing datasets, including field notes and dictionaries. Direct interviews with native speakers representing each language strengthen secondary data with more in-depth information. The analysis revealed that there are similar patterns found in full reduplication accompanied by changes in vowel phonemes as in <em>laki-lako</em> 'going everywhere' in Manggarai, <em>zupak-zapaq</em> 'hassle' in Rembong, and <em>cuki-cake</em> 'naughty' in Komodo. Partial reduplication, on the other hand, generally takes the form of adding or removing final phonemes in repeated words, for example, <em>bingi-bangas</em> 'dull-witted' in the Manggarai Language, <em>daki-dekang</em> 'helping each other' in the Rembong Language, and <em>hipi-hapek</em> 'going here and there' in Komodo Language. The Rembong Language has a distinctive partial reduplication, the presence of rhyme sounds at the beginning as in <em>ghali-ghewe</em> 'miserable life' and at the end of words as in <em>kameq-mok</em> 'sucks'. Partial reduplication in Komodo Language only involves the repetition of the initial syllable as in <em>kekaro</em> <em>(karo-karo)</em> 'walkings'. It is hoped that this research can be a reference for further research to explore more deeply reduplication in the MRK Language, either refuting the results in this research or supporting it by providing more data</p> Salahuddin Salahuddin Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-04-02 2024-04-02 10 1 293 305 10.55637/jr.10.1.6345.293-305 Indonesia The Application of Problem Based Learning to the Writing Ability of News Texts of Grade XI Students <p>The experimental method was employed in this study to compare the treatment effects between different research groups. Specifically, the research aimed to analyze the application of problem-based learning in enhancing the news text writing abilities of Grade XI students. The study consisted of two action cycles conducted over two sessions. The research participants comprised 29 students in the experimental group and 31 students in the control group, all from Grade XI at <em>SMAN </em>3 Siak Hulu. Data analysis was conducted using normality tests. The choice of experimental research methodology stemmed from the researchers' intention to administer a specific treatment or intervention to the experimental group. The findings revealed that problem-based learning effectively enhanced news text writing abilities, as evidenced by significant improvements observed in each cycle of the study. During the research phase, the pretest yielded a range of scores, with the highest reaching 79 and the lowest registering at 20. These scores delineated two distinct categories: the lowest and highest values. The lowest score category on the post-test was 65, representing a completion percentage of 43.3%, while the highest score category on the post-test was 95, reflecting a completion percentage of 86.7%. The results underscore the efficacy of problem-based learning in improving students' news text writing abilities, as evidenced by the notable enhancements observed throughout the study. These findings suggest the potential of problem-based learning as an effective instructional approach for cultivating students' writing skills in news text composition.</p> Anggia Fenty Nurmaini Desi Sukenti Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-04 2024-05-04 10 1 306 315 10.55637/jr.10.1.9421.306-315 Religiosity in the Novel of “Garuda di Dadaku” by Salman Aristo: A Semiotic Analysis and Its Relevance to High School Literature Education <p>This research carries the main objective of uncovering the religious values contained in the novel <em>“Garuda di Dadaku”</em> by Salman Aristo and exploring its relevance in the context of literary education in secondary schools. Through a semiotic approach, this study aims to identify and analyze the various religious themes implied in the literary work, including aspects such as faith, Sharia, and morality. In an educational context, these values have great potential to be integrated into the literature curriculum in secondary schools as part of the effort to teach students Islamic character, morals, and teachings. The results of the research analysis highlight key elements such as Aqidah, Sharia, justice, responsibility, and effort contained in the novel. The findings not only provide deep insights into the religious messages conveyed through such literary works, but also provide a solid basis for developing relevant and effective learning strategies in the classroom. By using the novel as teaching material, literature teachers can facilitate in-depth discussions on the religious values found in the story, providing students with opportunities to reflect on and internalize the moral messages conveyed. Thus, this study emphasizes the importance of using literature as a tool to discuss and instill religious values in students. As a relevant and effective resource in literature learning in secondary schools, the novel <em>“Garuda di Dadaku”</em> not only provides a deep reading experience, but also opens the door for deep reflection on life values and religious teachings. Thus, this study makes an important contribution to curriculum development and literature learning practices centered on understanding religious values, semiotics, and students' literary experiences</p> Asni Sri Hidayati Mukti Widayati Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 10 1 316 326 10.55637/jr.10.1.9445.316-326 Portrait of the Use of Indonesian of Factory Workers in Pekalongan Regency <p>This study aims to provide a comprehensive portrayal of Indonesian language utilization among factory workers in Pekalongan Regency. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach, the research investigates the factors influencing language preference and usage within this community. Data collection methods include documentation, questionnaires, and interviews, with analysis conducted through proficient engagement listening techniques. The findings reveal a nuanced interplay of factors shaping language behavior among factory workers. While Indonesian emerges as the dominant language in the workplace, driven by professional demands and the need for intercultural communication, the use of regional languages, particularly Javanese, persists in daily interactions. Notably, this linguistic landscape is influenced by factors such as workplace dynamics, societal norms, and generational shifts. By shedding light on these patterns, the study contributes to our understanding of language dynamics within industrial settings and highlights the importance of sociolinguistic factors in shaping communication practices.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Diyan Larasati Sri Suciati Muhajir Muhajir Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-05-07 2024-05-07 10 1 327 335 10.55637/jr.10.1.9529.327-335 Rebel Yell: Exploring Gender Resistance in Women’s Punk Subculture <p>The female punk subculture highlights resistance to dominant gender norms. This study explores gender resistance within the female punk subculture through the lenses of culture, identity, and activism. In the punk movement, women are often placed in peripheral positions. However, this research shows that this subculture becomes an important space for active resistance against sexism and patriarchy. This study is a descriptive qualitative research with a gender performativity approach. The study focuses on the female punk movements in Ujung Berung, Bandung, using participant observation, recording techniques, and interviews with various stakeholders including community leaders and local residents. The researcher observed the resistance and movements of female punks through recording and noting techniques. Additionally, the researcher conducted interviews with female punks, community leaders, and local residents. After the data was collected, the researcher performed data reduction, classification, validation, and coding in tables, followed by interpretation. The research findings indicate three main roles in gender resistance within the punk subculture, they were the role of women in the punk subculture; the expression of identity and gender resistance; and the impact of women's movements within the punk subculture</p> Pardamean Daulay Muta’allim Hasan Sayfullah Alifathur Rohmah Hafni Hafsah Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 10 1 336 400 10.55637/jr.10.1.9866.336-400 Javanese Language Reduplication in Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency <p>Research on the form of Reduplication of the Javanese language in Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency was carried out with the aim of describing and analyzing the form and meaning of Javanese Reduplication in Pinggir District, which is starting to become extinct because the younger generation is embarrassed to use it. It is hoped that this research can provide knowledge, especially to the younger generation, to understand the importance of the role of the Javanese language in preserving the Javanese language in Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. This research approach is a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Meanwhile, the data source for this research is Javanese speech obtained through interviews with three Javanese-speaking informants in Pinggir District. Research data regarding the form and meaning of Javanese language reduplication in Pinggir District, Bengkalis Regency. Researchers identified 121 forms of Javanese language reduplication, which were categorized into four types: complete repetition (51 repetitions), partial repetition (6 repetitions), repetition combined with affixing processes (59 repetitions) and repetition of phoneme changes (5 repetitions). 121 utterances, including reduplication which expresses the meaning 'many' (36 examples) not found reduplication which expresses the meaning 'unconditional', reduplication expresses a meaning which resembles what is said in the basic form, done repeatedly', done at will, with casually, or happily, carried out by two parties and regarding each other' (52 examples), reduplication states 'work-related matters' (7 examples), reduplication states the meaning 'somewhat' (3 examples), reduplication states the meaning ' the highest attainable level' (8 examples), expressed 'intensity of feeling' (15 examples). It turns out that people in Pinggir District are more likely to use repetitive speech combined with the process of adding affixes and speech that expresses the meaning of 'actions that are done repeatedly' in everyday life</p> Prida Asriani Alber Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 10 1 336 346 10.55637/jr.10.1.9623.336-346 An Analysis of Slang Words Used in Social Media (Instagram) <p>The research titled "An Analysis of Slang Words Used in Social Media (Instagram)" investigates the use of slang in Instagram captions and comments. The study aims to describe the types and functions of slang words used by Instagram users and to understand the sociolinguistic factors influencing their usage. Through qualitative descriptive analysis, data were collected from various Instagram accounts, focusing on the frequency and context of slang word usage. The findings indicate that slang is prevalent on Instagram, serving to create a sense of community and belonging among users, while also reflecting cultural and social dynamics. This study provides valuable insights into the evolving nature of language in digital communication and highlights the importance of understanding slang as a linguistic phenomenon in social media interactions.</p> Sri Indra Marhamah Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 10 1 347 352 10.55637/jr.10.1.9710.347-352 Analysis of the External Conflict of the Main Character in the “Don’t Look Up” Movie <p>The study aims to identify literature, especially the inherent components restricted to the type of conflict and the strategy for managing conflicts. in the movie named “Don’t Look Up”. The qualitative descriptive method is used for the research method to provide a well-organized description; this method was used because it briefly explained the findings and aimed to recognize the varieties of conflict and strategies for managing conflicts efficiently. The data collection for this study employed the observational method, conducted across four distinct stages, namely; watching the “Don’t Look Up” movie repeatedly to ensure an understanding of the conflict, note-taking by listing the types of conflict and their resolution, selecting each data that has rich of information regarding the conflict and conflict management strategies, and classifying each data that related with the problem conflict in the “Don’t Look Up” movie. The research identified external conflicts, specifically involving interpersonal conflict (man vs. man) and conflict with the natural environment (man vs. nature), it is because most of the conflict in this movie is related to outside forces that made the main character “Randall” face the conflict and resolve each of the conflict. The conflict management strategy found avoidance in the “Don’t Look Up” Movie. This study intends to enhance the literary studies theory and present valuable concepts that can aid in comprehending character building especially related to conflict and conflict management strategies</p> I Gusti Ngurah Aditya Pranandha Swijana I Putu Andri Permana Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 10 1 353 359 10.55637/jr.10.1.8620.353-359 An Analysis of Language Styles in the Movie “Instant Family” <p style="text-align: justify;">This study analyzes the language styles in the movie "Instant Family," a drama directed by Sean Anders and released on Netflix on January 19, 2019. Language style variation is a natural aspect of communication, influenced by social contexts and interlocutors. In "Instant Family," these variations are explored to understand how writers and speakers use language choices, sentence structures, and situational contexts to convey meaning. The research employs a qualitative content analysis approach, involving repeated viewings of the film to identify and categorize language styles based on Martin Joos’ theory: frozen, formal, consultative, informal, and intimate. Each dialogue instance is analyzed in relation to its context and character relationships to illustrate the use of different language styles in character development and emotional expression. The study's descriptive qualitative design reveals five distinct language styles. Analysis identifies thirty instances of these styles within the movie's dialogues, with formal style being the most prevalent, appearing eleven times. This predominance is attributed to the numerous public exchanges led by the protagonist, particularly in scenes involving interactions between the presiding officer and the accused. The study suggests that English Department students further investigate language styles across various sources, including movies, novels, social media, and articles. Analyzing linguistic styles in "Instant Family" is crucial for understanding how language choices shape character development and thematic expression. This research serves as a foundation for future studies in film and communication, exploring the impact of linguistic styles on audiences and narratives</p> Ni Kadek Ayu Siska Sinta Dewi I Made Perdana Skolastika Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-08 2024-06-08 10 1 360 367 10.55637/jr.10.1.8109.360-367 Optimizing Classroom Engagement: Improving Student Focus and Participation Using the Talking Stick Learning Model <p>This research aims to investigate methods to enhance student engagement and attentiveness during classroom instruction. Specifically, it explores the effectiveness of the talking stick learning model in fostering active listening among students. Adopting a qualitative approach with a phenomenological lens, this study examines the experiences of a group of students in utilizing talking sticks during classroom interactions. Through direct observation and interviews, data were collected to assess students' level of involvement, focus, and participation following the implementation of the talking stick model. The findings reveal that the majority of students (29 out of 32) demonstrated improved listening skills with the implementation of the talking stick method, indicating its potential efficacy in enhancing classroom dynamics. This study sheds light on innovative strategies to promote student engagement and active learning.</p> Imansudi Zega Ayu Irani Oktavianti Seofeto Seruni Cerah Zebua Friska Sotania Bate’e Arozatulo Bawamenewi Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 10 1 368 374 10.55637/jr.10.1.9735.368-374 'Gemoy' Campaign Strategy: Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis <p>Linguistically, "<em>gemoy</em>" is not listed in the KBBI. This word is a pun on "<em>gemas</em>," which in KBBI means very irritated or very irritated, but in slang, "<em>gemoy</em>" describes more positive feelings of resonance. This article explores how the term <em>'gemoy'</em> is used strategically in the 2024 presidential election campaign through the lens of Fairclough's critical discourse analysis model. This case study focuses on the Instagram account and a post entitled "When <em>'Gemoy'</em> Becomes a Trend in Indonesian Society". This study aims to analyze the use of the term "<em>gemoy</em>" during the 2024 presidential election campaign. This research applies qualitative descriptive methods with critical discourse analysis techniques. The data collected is in the form of all lingual elements, namely words, phrases, clauses, and sentences containing the word "<em>gemoy</em>" in the comment column of netizens on Instagram The data were analyzed using the three dimensions of Fairclough's Model Critical Discourse Analysis, which consists of a textual dimension, a discursive dimension, and a sociocultural dimension. The dimensions of sociocultural practices were further analyzed using Dell Hymes' SPEAKING theory. The results show that communication strategies that utilize "<em>gemoy</em>" branding to build politicians' self-image have provided practical examples of how politicians can use digital media to create a more relatable and attractive image in this digital age to influence public opinion. The use of creative and varied language is an important element in politics to attract public attention, build relationships with voters, and achieve political goals, especially for Generation Z and millennials</p> Adam Yogantara Dewi Kusumaningsih Muhlis Fajar Wicaksana Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 10 1 375 389 10.55637/jr.10.1.9638.375-389 Regional Language Traces in the Use of Indonesian: A Case Study of Student Linguistic Interaction <p>This research investigates the factors influencing the use of Indonesian and regional languages among vocational high school students. Utilizing a qualitative research design and a case study approach, the study explores the impact of regional languages on students' use of Indonesian during daily school interactions. Data were gathered through observations and interviews with students, which were then subjected to a detailed case study analysis. The findings indicate that students often code-switch between Indonesian and regional languages during the learning process. While regional languages are predominantly used in peer interactions for better mutual understanding, Indonesian is more frequently employed in teacher-student interactions, particularly when answering questions. Despite teachers' efforts to promote the use of Indonesian, regional languages persist in informal settings. This study underscores the dynamic relationship between regional languages and Indonesian, highlighting the necessity for language policies that support multilingualism within educational settings</p> Asrining Mei Christin Halawa Arozatulo Bawamenewi Miseri Cordias Palamarta Gulo Fajar Iman Waruwu Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 10 1 390 395 10.55637/jr.10.1.9742.390-395 An Analysis of Inflectional and Derivational Affixes of the Students’ Academic Writing <p>This study investigates the use of inflectional and derivational affixes in the academic writing of second–year English students, identifying the challenges they face in applying these linguistic elements. Using qualitative methods, specifically content analysis, this study examined a sample of 30 students' writings from the 2021C class. The analysis identified a total of 172 affixes: 122 inflectional suffixes, 36 derivational suffixes, and 14 derivational prefixes. Inflectional suffixes, particularly irregular forms, were predominantly used, while derivational affixes primarily served to change grammatical classes, with "–ly" being the most common. Students encountered several challenges, such as errors in inflectional suffix usage (e.g., omission of plural markers and subject–verb agreement issues) and difficulties with derivational affixes (e.g., omissions and incorrect usage of "–ing," "–ment," "–able," "–re," "–un"). These problems were attributed to confusion between bound and free morphemes, forgetfulness, and a lack of awareness. The study recommends tailored teaching strategies, including targeted exercises, detailed explanations, and ample practice opportunities, to improve students' proficiency with affixes, thereby enhancing the quality and clarity of their academic writing</p> Stanislaus Guna Irene Nindiana Lehon Maksimilianus Sapong Angelus Rico Sambora Yohanes Tresno Kurnianto Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 10 1 396 408 10.55637/jr.10.1.9751.396-408 Teacher Creativity in Developing Canva-Based Language Learning Media <p>This study aims to examine and enhance teacher creativity in developing Canva-based language learning media at SMK Negeri 3 ALasa. Specifically, it seeks to understand how such media can be designed to better engage students and improve learning outcomes. This research employs a Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach using the 4D model, which includes four stages: Define (identifying needs and goals), Design (planning the media structure and content), Develop (creating and refining the media), and Disseminate (sharing the final product). The learning media were evaluated by a team of media and material experts, focusing on criteria such as visual appeal, multimedia integration, and content customization. The teachers' creativity is evidenced by the attractive visual design, varied multimedia elements, and tailored content that meets students' needs. The media achieved an 88% effectiveness score from user testing and a 92% validation score from material experts. These findings underscore the importance of integrating technology like Canva in creating innovative and engaging learning experiences. This approach not only enhances student understanding but also empowers teachers to explore creative teaching methods. The high validation scores indicate that the Canva-based learning media are effective and well-received, demonstrating significant teacher creativity and potential for broader application in educational settings.</p> Yanida Bu’ulolo Ikhlas Carlan Hulu Foster Herwin Laia Aventrius Zebua Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-11 2024-06-11 10 1 409 414 10.55637/jr.10.1.9750.409-414 An Analysis of Politeness Maxims in the Movie “The Adventure of Tintin” <p>This study explored the types of politeness maxims that the main characters utilized and investigated the factors that influenced their use.&nbsp; The data were collected through focusing on observing main character specially "Tintin" interactions and circumstances during communication, with simultaneous notetaking to record pertinent instances of politeness maxims and use qualitative method. This methodology employs a data-driven approach, wherein data is initially gathered and subsequently analyzed to ascertain its relevance to a specific politeness maxim. Transcriptions were created based on the dialogues exchanged between the characters. In this study, analyze the politeness maxims observed in character interactions and dialogues within "The Adventure of Tintin." Drawing upon theories proposed by Leech, Holmes, and Wardaugh, reveal the tact and agreement maxims as the most frequently employed. This analysis demonstrates their significant role in shaping positive communication, character interactions, cultural nuances, and thematic elements within the film. Through meticulous examination, highlight the prevalence, influence, and contribution of these maxims to the narrative coherence and thematic depth of the movie</p> I Made Dwi Nova Muliartha Ida Ayu Putri Gita Ardiantari Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 10 1 415 423 10.55637/jr.10.1.8097.415-423 Contrastive Analysis of Interjections in Indonesian and Mandailing Batak Language <p>This study provides a contrastive analysis of interjections in the Indonesian and Mandailing Batak languages, focusing on their morphological characteristics. By comparing these two languages, we aim to highlight their similarities and differences in the use and formation of interjections. This analysis is limited to a morphological review to prevent overlap with topics related to verb types and verb formation processes. Utilizing both descriptive qualitative research methodology and comparative-contrast descriptive methodology, we systematically compare the interjection morphology in both languages. The methodologies differ in their application: the descriptive qualitative approach involves detailed observations and descriptions of interjection usage, while the comparative-contrast approach focuses on identifying and analyzing the distinctions and similarities between the languages. The primary data source comprises example sentences created by the researcher, ensuring linguistic acceptability. The researcher's specific tasks include selecting relevant sentences, analyzing their morphological structures, and categorizing the interjections. Data collection encompasses the specific interjection systems of each language, and each grammatical category's realization is examined. Contrasts are drawn based on the analysis outcomes after thorough data collection.</p> Nila Riana Harahap Rina Devianty Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 10 1 424 430 10.55637/jr.10.1.9768.424-430 Beyond the Surface: Investigating Concealed Meanings in Drug Posters through Semiotic Analysis <p>Drug posters are intricate communicative artifacts that carry hidden connotations, myths, and ideologies. This article employs semiotic analysis to explore the layers of symbolism in these posters. By examining both verbal and visual signs, this study aims to uncover the connotative meanings embedded in drug posters and reveal the underlying myths and ideologies. Using Saussure's semiotic theory and Barthes' theory of meaning as frameworks, various drug posters were analyzed qualitatively. The findings highlight the complex interplay between verbal and visual signs, uncovering connotations, myths, and ideologies. This research enhances our understanding of the persuasive strategies in drug posters, offering insights into their socio-cultural impact. Verbal signs often conveyed warnings about the negative impacts of drug use, while visual signs reinforced these messages with additional layers of meaning</p> Desak Putu Eka Pratiwi I Komang Sulatra I Made Andika Dwi Jaya Copyright (c) 2024 RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 10 1 455 465