Does Problem-Based Learning Affect Students’ Speaking Skill and Attitude toward ELL?

  • Gede Sutrisna Universitas Dwijendra
  • Luh Putu Artini Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Keywords: Attitude, English language learning, Problem-Based Learning, Speaking Skill


As a typical learning method which is grounded from a scientific approach, problem-based learning (PBL) does not only enhance students’ critical thinking but also helps them actively construct their knowledge and skill. The objectives of this study were to investigate the impact of PBL on (1) students’ speaking skill and (2) their attitude toward ELL. This study employed an embedded mixed-method design which combined one-group pretest-posttest and descriptive qualitative design. It involved a group of 41 students as the sample. The quantitative data were collected through pretest-posttest and questionnaire (closed-ended). Meanwhile, the qualitative data were obtained through observation and open-ended questionnaire. The findings of the study found that students demonstrated better speaking performance after being treated through PBL activities. Besides, they exhibited more positive behavioral, cognitive, and affective attitude toward ELL.


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How to Cite
Sutrisna, G., & Luh Putu Artini. (2020). Does Problem-Based Learning Affect Students’ Speaking Skill and Attitude toward ELL?. RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 6(2), 131-138.
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