Marketing Strategy on Heritage Manuaba Royal Palace Tourist Attraction in Kenderan Tourism Village, Bali

  • Ni Wayan Wina Premayani Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia
  • Putu Yudy Wijaya Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia
  • Putu Herny Susanti Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia
  • Gusti Alit Suputra Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia
  • Luh Nik Oktarini Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia
  • Gede Agus Dian Maha Yoga Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism Universitas Hindu Indonesia, Bali-Indonesia
Keywords: Heritage, manuaba royal palace, marketing mix, strategy, tourist attraction


The Manuaba Royal Palace is one of the heritage tourist attractions that has cultural heritage, building architecture, and artifact collections with historical value; however, to date, this tourist destination has not been optimal in presenting tourists to be able to visit this region, so a comprehensive and measurable marketing strategy is needed to accelerate its development. This study aimed to analyze marketing strategies for the heritage tourist attraction of the Manuaba Royal Palace in the Kenderan Tourism Village, Bali. A mixed method research design was used by conducting interviews with the managers of as many as 30 Manuaba Royal Palace tourist destinations who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data obtained were analyzed using IFAS, EFAS, and SWOT matrices and are presented descriptively. The results show that the Manuaba Royal Palace has implemented the 7P marketing mix strategy, currently in Quadrant I (a very favorable situation because it has great opportunities to demonstrate internal strength) and S<O (the direction of Manuaba Royal Pae's policy in growth strategy conditions). The current focus and marketing strategy includes developing technology-based historical courses accompanied by the use of social media, presenting information related to intangible cultural heritage, and guiding tourists more massively by providing exclusive packages for booking heritage tourism online. In the future, it is important to maximize the marketing strategies used to increase the number of visits and to be more competitive in the tourism industry.


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