Implementation and Benefits of Learning through Ice Breaking

  • Kadek Bagus Rusman Master of Linguistics Study Program, Universitas Warmadewa
Keywords: Ice breaking, Implementation, Interest in learning, Benefits of ice breaking


Ice breaking is used to create a learning atmosphere from passive to active, from rigid to motion, and bored to cheerful. There are several types of ice breaking activities that can be applied including, yelling, games, singing, clapping, humor, and limb movements. This study aims to identify the implementation and benefit of learning through ice breaking. This study used a qualitative research design as its methodology. Observation and documentation are the methods used to gather data. The analysis process, which entails data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification, is based on the Miles and Huberman theory. The benefit of learning through ice breaking namely this activity can be done and learned by everyone without having special skills and tools that can provide an atmosphere of joy and intimacy as well as feelings of happiness among students, as well as between educators and students.


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