International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics 2024-05-18T14:35:31+07:00 Dr. Mirsa Umiyati, SS. M.Hum Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMIC FUNCTIONAL LINGUISTIC</strong> is the Journal of Linguistics who published research articles and theoretical articles in linguistic science especially in Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) theories. The scope of this journal includes linguistics micro and macro based on Systemic-Functional Linguistics (SFL) theories. It restricted to the fields of syntactic structure of language, semiotic, semantics, pragmatics, text analysis and social context analysis. This international journal is published twice a year every June and December published by Warmadewa University Press. The journal available online at since April 27, 2017. The global distributed system of research databases available at our OAI url:</p> "ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY OF SEMANTIC COGNITIVE MEANING IN KISAR ISLANDS STORY SIMPAN EMAS DI DALAM TUNGKU" 2024-04-22T12:58:34+07:00 Rehiraky Niken nikenrehiraky@gmail.com2 <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Language serves as a complex tool for communication, reflecting culture, identity, and thought. Semantics, a branch of linguistics, delves into the meaning behind language, considering context, structure, and usage. This study explores the semantic analysis of the fairy tale "Kisar Island Stores Gold in the Furnace," examining how language and narrative structure convey deep meanings. Using cognitive semantic analysis, the research aims to understand the cognitive concepts reflected in the story and how language usage mirrors societal worldview. By analyzing sentence structures, word choices, and narrative styles, the study uncovers complex layers of meaning within the tale. The methodology involves content understanding, identification of cognitive concepts, metaphor analysis, and exploration of implied meanings. Data analysis follows cognitive semantic principles, with Croft and Cruse's theory employed for metaphor analysis. The results reveal semantic cognitive meanings embedded in the tale, including themes of wealth, family, and journey. The narrative structure employs simple language, motifs, characterization, and moral messages, reflecting societal values. Additionally, the story's sentence structures and word choices contribute to its rich symbolism and layered meanings. Overall, this analysis highlights how language and narrative elements contribute to the depth and complexity of meaning in fairy tales.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Language, Semantics, Cognitive Semantics, Fairy Tale, Narrative Structure, Semantic Analysis, Cognitive Concepts, Symbolism, Cultural Values, Folklore.</p> <p>BLIBIOGRAPHY</p> <p>Evans, V., &amp; Green, M. (2018). Cognitive linguistics: An introduction. In Cognitive Linguistics: An Introduction. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Johnson, M. (1992). Philosophical implications of cognitive semantics. Cognitive Linguistics, 3(4). <a href=""></a></p> <p>Dirk, G. (2011). Cognitive semantics and the history of philosophical epistemology. In Conceptualizations and Mental Processing in Language. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Nugraha, D. S. (2019). The Lexicon of Animal Classification In Javanese: A Cognitive Semantic Approach. International Journal of Humanity Studies, 2(2), 186–195. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Wahyuni, T. (2020). Kritik dalam Ungkapan Bahasa Jawa: Kajian Semantik Kognitif (Criticism in Javanese Idioms: Cognitive Semantic Analysis). Jalabahasa, 16(1), 97–113. <a href=""> abahasa.v16i1.453</a></p> <p>Karnedi. 2011. Penerjemahan Metafora Konseptual dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia Studi Kasus Penerjemahan Buku Teks Bidang Ekonomi. Disertasi. Depok: Universitas Indonesia.</p> <p>Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark. 2003. Metaphore We Live By. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press</p> <p>Cruse, D. Alan and Croft William. 2004. Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.</p> <p>Aulia, Z. N. and Nur, T. 2020. Metafora Konseptual dalam Rubrik UnakAnik Kahirupan Majalah Online Manglé : Analisis Semantik Kognitif. Lokabasa. 11(2). pp. 226– 236. doi: 10.17509/jlb.v11i2.25251.</p> <p>Dessiliona, T. and Nur, T. 2018. Metafora Konseptual dalam Lirik Lagu Band Revolverheld Album In Farbe (Conceptual Metaphor in Songs Lyric Revolverheld Band Album in Farbe. Sawerigading. 24(2). p. 177. doi: 10.26499/sawer.v24i2.524.</p> 2024-04-22T12:19:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics A Social Semiotic Analysis of Selected Basic Pupils’ English Textbooks in Awka 2024-05-18T14:35:31+07:00 Peter Makinde Peace Odili <p>This article examines a social semiotic analysis of selected basic pupils’ English textbooks in Awka metropolis. Considering the fact that textbooks are necessary tools in the classroom for both teachers and students, it is pertinent to note that without the provision of required texts, teaching and learning of the English language in our schools will be handicapped. Texts in the textbooks for instruction in nearly all levels of education most often occur in combination with images or pictures, which, in essence, depict the multimodal nature of our basic pupils’ English language textbooks. In examining how these multiple modes interplay and serve as unified modes, this study relies on the notions of social semiotics (Halliday, 1978; Kress, 2012) and multimodality (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006, 2020). Data for the study, consisting of sixteen figures, were obtained from six selected primary school English textbooks. Findings from the study show that textbook designers employ several meaning-making resources to present pupils with concrete and familiar concepts that they can easily relate to. The study contributes to research on language teaching and pedagogy in its approach to applying visuals to teaching English. The study also serves as a resource for teachers and pupils of English. The finding of this study also adds to studies on social semiotics in its incorporation of meaning-making resources in the teaching and learning of the English language by basic pupils.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Visual representation, multimodality, basic schools, English textbooks, text-image relations, social semiotics, multimodality, Awka metropolis</p> 2024-04-22T12:37:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE PRONOUNS IN THE BOOK OF GOSPELS IN BUK NIU IN HELONG LANGUAGE AND IN ENGLISH 2024-04-22T12:58:35+07:00 Holbala Rohania Niken Rehiraky <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The title of this article is "Comparative Study of Pronouns in The Book of Gospels in <em>Buk Niu</em> Language in Helong Language and English". This research was conducted to answer two research problems, namely: 1) What are the types of pronouns in the book of Gospels on Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are used in <em>Buk Niu</em>? 2) What are the differences and similarities of pronouns in the book of gospels in in <em>Buk Niu </em>in Helong Language and in English?. The writer analyzes the data using a qualitative descriptive method, namely a method that describes data systematically by analyzing and explaining the data obtained based on theories related to six types of pronouns. This analysis aims to find out what types of pronouns are used in the book of gospels in <em>Buk Niu</em> in Helong and to find out what the differences and similarities are between pronouns in Helong and English. The results of the analysis of the types of pronouns obtained in the book of gospels in <em>Buk Niu</em> in the Helong language consist of 6 types, namely pronouns personal, possessive, reflexive, demonstrative, interrogative, and indefinite pronouns. There are 7 differences and 2 similarities between pronouns in Helong and English, namely, the differences are Personal Pronouns: <em>[Un]~[He] and [She]</em> as the third person singular, <em>[We] and [We]~[Us]</em> as a person first plural, <em>[Ku] and [Mia]~ [You ]</em> as the second person singular and plural, Possessive Pronouns: <em>[Auk + noun or name of something]~[I</em>] asthe first person singular <em>[My+noun or name of something ]~[Yours]</em> as the second person singular, [<em>Kit + noun or name of something]~[Ours]</em> as second person plural, <em>[Un + noun or name of something]~[His]</em> <em>and [Hers]</em> as third person singular, <em>[Mi+noun or name of something] ~[Yours]</em> as second person plural, <em>[Oen + noun or name of something]~[They]</em> as third person plural Reflexive Pronouns: <em>[Ku apam]~[Yourself]</em> as first person singular, <em>[Un apa]~[Himself ] and [Herself]</em> as third person singular and plural, Interrogative pronouns: <em>[Asii]</em> as singular<em> and [Asiis] </em>as plural<em> ~&nbsp; [Who] </em>as singular and plural. <em>[Doesn't have the verb Tobe] ~ [Have Tobe]</em>. There are also 2 similarities, namely: Personal Pronouns: <em>[Auk] and [Au] ~ [I] and [Me]</em> as the first person singular, and <em>[Ku] and [Ku] ~ [You] and [You]</em> as the second person singular. This comparison of pronouns can help English teachers when teaching English to students with a Helong language background to emphasize the differences between pronouns in Helong and English when teaching, so with this students will understand pronouns in English more quickly because they are more first understand Helong language so that through Helong language pronouns they will quickly understand pronouns in English and they can also know the differences and similarities between Helong language pronouns and English.</p> <p><em>Keywords: Types Of Pronouns, Buk Niu, Helong</em>, <em>Comparative, English</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a name="_Toc139977961"></a><strong>BIBLIOGRAPHY</strong></p> <p>Hendri, H. W. (2021). <em>A Descriptive Study on Phrases in Helong Language Used in Buk Niu.</em> English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Artha Wacana Christian University.</p> <p>Hornby, A. S. (1995). <em>Oxford advanced leaner’s dictionary of current English</em>. Fifth Edition: Oxford University.</p> <p>Turere, R. L. (2015) Analisis Kesalahan Penggunaan Pronouns Oleh Siswa Kelas XII Bahasa SMA N 1 Tombariri. <em>Jurnal Elektronik,4(3),</em>4. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Aarts and Arts. (1982). <em>English Syntactic Structure: Function and Category in Sentence Analysis.</em> Oxford: Pergamon Press.</p> <p>Hariyono, R., &amp; Carthy, A. M. (2008). <em>ABC Accurate, Bright &amp; Clear Plus English Grammar</em>. Surabaya: Gitamedia Press.</p> <p>Mandagi. (2018). Kata Ganti Orang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Bahasa Tonsea. <em>Jurnal Skripsi : Manado, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya.</em></p> <p>Lau, Y. B. E. S. L. L., Isodorus, P. B., &amp; Wardani, M. M. S. (2022). Pronomina Dalam Bahasa Melayu Kupang. <em>Sintesis, </em>1(16),59-60. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Kalumata, Lotulung, &amp; Ranuntu. (2022). Kalimat Ganti Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Talaud. <em>Platformm &amp; woekflow by OJK/PKP. </em></p> <p>Waliyudi. (2020). The Analysis Of Bima And English Language Pronouns. <em>Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan, </em>4(3).</p> <p>Hiwu. (2020). Analisis Konstraktif Kata Ganti Orang Dalam Bahasa Mori. <em>Jurnal Skripsi : Manado, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya.</em></p> <p>DetikEdu. (2021). Pronoun: Pengertian, Jenis-jenis, dan Contoh Penggunaannya. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Tauk, D., Monny, M. O. E., &amp; Tambunan, K. (2021). Noun’s Signs Of Helong Language. <em>International Journal A J E S : Academic Journal Of Educational Sciences, 5(2),66-73.</em> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Laili, I. (2012). Pronomina Penunjuk dalam Bahasa Minangkabau. Komposisi: <em>Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan. Komposisi: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Seni, 13(1).</em> <a href=""></a></p> <p>Ngongo. (2008:5). <em>The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative.</em></p> <p>Murdiyanto, E. (2020). <em>Metode Penelitian Kualitatif</em>. Yokyakarta : Yokyakarta Press.</p> <p>Budaya, U. B . (2011). <em>Buk Niu. </em>Jakarta : Untuk Kalangan Sendiri.</p> 2024-04-22T12:49:23+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics THE EFFECTS OF VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR MASTERY TOWARDS STUDENT’S SPEAKING SKILL TO THE NINE-YEAR JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF AL - ISLAM KARTASURA 2024-04-23T11:34:36+07:00 Sri Handayani <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The purpose of this research is to find how the effects of vocabulary and grammar mastery towards student’s speaking skill to the nine-year junior high school students of Al - Islam Kartasura. The reached population of this research is the nine years. The sampling of population consists of 30 students. The research use survey method. The data collected are done by testing the ability of the student in grammar mastery vocabulary mastery and speaking skill. This research is used survey method. This research has three variables. They are grammar mastery (X1) and vocabulary mastery (X2) called as independent variable. Furthermore, speaking skill (Y) called as dependent variable. &nbsp;This research analyzes using multiple linear regressions. This research analyzes using SPSS version 27.00 for windows. The result shows there are any positive correlation. The students who have high vocabulary and grammar score their speaking score are high too. And it has positive correlation. The implication of this research useful for teacher, researcher and another English teacher to applicate this method to their students.</p> 2024-04-23T08:37:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 International Journal of Systemic Functional Linguistics