• Holbala Rohania Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Kristen Artha wacana
  • Niken Rehiraky Magister ilmu Linguistik Universitas Warmadewa



The title of this article is "Comparative Study of Pronouns in The Book of Gospels in Buk Niu Language in Helong Language and English". This research was conducted to answer two research problems, namely: 1) What are the types of pronouns in the book of Gospels on Matthew, Mark, Luke, John are used in Buk Niu? 2) What are the differences and similarities of pronouns in the book of gospels in in Buk Niu in Helong Language and in English?. The writer analyzes the data using a qualitative descriptive method, namely a method that describes data systematically by analyzing and explaining the data obtained based on theories related to six types of pronouns. This analysis aims to find out what types of pronouns are used in the book of gospels in Buk Niu in Helong and to find out what the differences and similarities are between pronouns in Helong and English. The results of the analysis of the types of pronouns obtained in the book of gospels in Buk Niu in the Helong language consist of 6 types, namely pronouns personal, possessive, reflexive, demonstrative, interrogative, and indefinite pronouns. There are 7 differences and 2 similarities between pronouns in Helong and English, namely, the differences are Personal Pronouns: [Un]~[He] and [She] as the third person singular, [We] and [We]~[Us] as a person first plural, [Ku] and [Mia]~ [You ] as the second person singular and plural, Possessive Pronouns: [Auk + noun or name of something]~[I] asthe first person singular [My+noun or name of something ]~[Yours] as the second person singular, [Kit + noun or name of something]~[Ours] as second person plural, [Un + noun or name of something]~[His] and [Hers] as third person singular, [Mi+noun or name of something] ~[Yours] as second person plural, [Oen + noun or name of something]~[They] as third person plural Reflexive Pronouns: [Ku apam]~[Yourself] as first person singular, [Un apa]~[Himself ] and [Herself] as third person singular and plural, Interrogative pronouns: [Asii] as singular and [Asiis] as plural ~  [Who] as singular and plural. [Doesn't have the verb Tobe] ~ [Have Tobe]. There are also 2 similarities, namely: Personal Pronouns: [Auk] and [Au] ~ [I] and [Me] as the first person singular, and [Ku] and [Ku] ~ [You] and [You] as the second person singular. This comparison of pronouns can help English teachers when teaching English to students with a Helong language background to emphasize the differences between pronouns in Helong and English when teaching, so with this students will understand pronouns in English more quickly because they are more first understand Helong language so that through Helong language pronouns they will quickly understand pronouns in English and they can also know the differences and similarities between Helong language pronouns and English.

Keywords: Types Of Pronouns, Buk Niu, Helong, Comparative, English




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