Audio Forensic Method: Analyze Voice Resemblance Towards Mobile Phone’s Voice Recorder

  • Dayu Inten Lestari
Keywords: Forensic Linguistic, Forensic Audio. Praat Application, Pitch, Formant


Audio forensics is one of the sciences that juxtaposes between science and scientific methods in the process of sound recording Audio Forensic Method: Analyze Voice Resemblance Towards Mobile Phone’s Voice Recorder, by using Forensic audio method In Audio forensics: Theory and Analysis, are Pitch Statistical Analysis, Formant and Bandwidth Statistical Analysis, Graphical Distribution Analysis and Spectogram Analysis. However, in this study, researchers only focus on identifying pitch and formants in the data to be analyzed. So it is hoped that the output of this research can become a reference or enrichment material for law enforcement agencies law and academics who wish to continue their research related to digital forensics. In doing on In this study, a Praat application was used to help with the audio comparison process from Known Samples and Unknown Sample. the results showed that Very clear results can be seen in words spoken with high intonation, while in words with low and medium intonation, the results of pitch analysis do not show significant differences. The words are pronounced with high intonation, while the original voice tends to be low, indicating the results of different formant values. So that it can be easily distinguished from the comparison voice which is on average high, very high, low or very low intonation. So it can be concluded that Digital voice forensic techniques can not do validation of evidence because there is no standard validation which is determined. Digital forensic techniques can only provide results from the sound similarity analysis of good evidence by the voice of the suspect


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