Policespeak and Narrative Storytelling in Knives Out Movie Script (A Forensic Linguistic Perspective)

  • Ratminto Dwiputra Anantatur
  • Nur Afnita Asfar Magister Ilmu Linguistik, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia
Keywords: Investigative Language, Narrative Storytelling, Policespeak


This research investigates about tragic murder case from Knives Out movie of Harlan Thrombey case, Harlan Thrombey was found dead horribly in his room by Fran. Fran was a servant in the Thrombey Family, and the investigator immediately investigated the case where emphasized the outline of law, crime, language and criminal cases in the field of forensic linguistics. This research aimed to describe Policespeak and Narrative Storytelling in Knives Out Movie Script (A Forensic Linguistic Perspective). The method used by the researcher is descriptive qualitative, the data source of the researcher is taken from the movie script and then collects every discovery through any existing data and analyzed by interpreting and describing the data. This result was to focus how the policespeak and narrative storytelling depicted in the movie “Knives Out 2019†by “Rian Johnson†was focused in terms of its forensic linguistics. In many investigative languages that have not been revealed by the investigator in their interviews with each of the witnesses. This research describes the context of the data using Narrative and Storytelling and also how police detectives interview witnesses using Policespeak, including control over topic and interactional focus, establish motive, establish knowledge, rapport building, and control of topic navigation by interpreting and describing data using policespeak and narrative storytelling theory to reveal the language of the police investigation. From the findings that Harlan Thrombey found died cause he was suicide, Harlan took the knife to kill himself however Harlan knew about which one will be killed him by criminal, someone changed his morphine into overdoses and that was Ransom, his nephew.


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