Community Service Journal of Law <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Community Service Journal of Law</strong> (CSJL) is a journal of community service in the field of legal studies. This journal is used for academics and practitioners' references source. CSJL publishes 2 (two) times in a year, namely January and Jully. The language used in this journal is English. The English scripts will be published online gradually and the printed version will be released at the end of the publishing period.</p> Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Warmadewa en-US Community Service Journal of Law 2809-767X Assistance and Legal Counseling in Agribusiness Cooperation Agreements Between Farmers and Bali Bali / PT. Suji Wood Leaves According to the Provisions of Article 1313 of KUHPERDATA <p>Community Service as stated in the Higher Education Tri Dharma, is an activity that aims to help the community in several activities without expecting any kind of imbalance. In community service for the 2023 academic year, we from the UNWAR PKM Team provided assistance to young and old group farmers with Bulan Bali/PT Daun Kayu Suji in making a cooperation agreement. We are from UNWAR PKM Team, in carrying out this community service, found problems in business cooperation between farmers and Bulan Bali/ PT Daun Kayu Suji namely: 1. Parties do not understand the existence of a standard agreement as an agreement in business relations in accordance with the provisions of the law. 2. All this time the parties are in a business relationship, loyalty only relies on self-confidence and according to conscience. Based on the problems mentioned this PKM have some objective that are as a form of the Lecturer's dedication to the community, provide opportunities for lecturers to carry out direct service with partners to the target object, improving cooperative relations between universities and the community and/or companies that employ employees. &nbsp;The method that used in this PKM namely, directly meet partners to see directly the workplace situation at the Bali Moon company, discuss with the parties who will make a work agreement, the PKM implementation team can apply the methods used to carry out socialization and legal counseling regarding agreements.</p> Diah Gayatri Sudibya Kade Richa Mulyawati Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 60 65 The Urgence of Writing Awig's Pararem in Increasing Community Legal Awareness in Traditional Village Pelem Gede, Tabanan <p>Desa Adat is a traditional village in Bali which has been autonomous since its inception. Each Traditional Village has its own management and assets, and has the authority to make rules, known as awig-awig and/or pararem. It turns out that the program partners do not yet have pararem panyahcah awig as rules for implementing awig-awig.&nbsp; By providing accessible and relevant information about legal rights, responsibilities, and processes, "Pararem Panyahcah Awig" equips community members with the knowledge they need to navigate legal matters effectively. &nbsp;s to emphasize the importance and necessity of documenting and disseminating the local customary laws, known as Awig's Pararem, within the context of the Traditional Village Pelem Gede in Tabanan. The method used in this service program is by: (1) giving lectures or legal counseling about the importance of a pararem panyahcah awig in life in a traditional village, (2) carrying out focus group discussions (FGD) on pararem drafts, and (3) provide assistance in making traditional village pararem. The result of this program activity is the compilation of an awig pararem with a total of 42 Pawos, in accordance with the awig-awig mandate set forth in Pawos-Pawos (article). With the pararem panyahcah awig, the community will be wiser in acting and behaving in their association in society. Therefore, it will indirectly increase legal awareness.</p> I Ketut Sukadana Luh Putu Suryani Ni Made Puspasutari Ujianti I Ketut Jika Kadek Ayu Surya Dwi Utami Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 66 71 Enhancement of Public Awareness of Legal Language through Community Legal Education Program <p>This article discusses community engagement with the title "Improving Public Awareness of Legal Language through Community Legal Education Programs." The aim of this research is to enhance public awareness of legal language through the community legal education approach. The method employed in the execution of the activities involves organizing community legal education programs that actively involve the participation of the community in the learning process. This program is designed to provide fundamental knowledge about legal language, including the understanding and use of legal terms frequently employed in legal contexts. The results of the activity implementation demonstrate an increase in public awareness of legal language. The community becomes more knowledgeable and capable of using legal language accurately and effectively in everyday communication. They are also able to comprehend their rights and responsibilities as citizens, as well as enhance their participation in legal processes. In conclusion, community legal education programs play a crucial role in heightening public awareness of legal language. This program establishes a strong foundation for the community to comprehend and use legal language correctly. Consequently, the community becomes more legally conscious and empowered to safeguard their rights. In the long term, this program holds the potential to cultivate a more engaged community in legal processes and to provide them with a better understanding of their rights and responsibilities.</p> I Made Dwika Hadinata Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 2 2 72 75 10.55637/csjl.2.2.7911.72-75 Travel Clinic and Indonesian Hospital Code of Ethics <table width="639"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="440"> <p><em>In 2022, COVID-19 cases are still reported occurring in Bali, however, the number of cases as well as its severity are no longer concerning as in 2020 and 2021. Bali has been reopened for both domestic as well as international tourists. Tourism begins to rise up and consequently, it brings about economics recovery. Various events, which are commonly abbreviated as MICE (meeting, incentive, conference, and exhibition), were and are planned to be hold in Bali. They continue taking place until they reach their peak during G20 Summit. Ubud, as one of tourist destinations in Bali, also rises up. The purpose of this community service program is to prepare Sanjiwani General Hospital to establish travel clinic through empowerment of its employees tailored to their backgrounds. The partner in this program is employee group who is broadly categorized into clinical and non-clinical groups. Clinical group consists of general practitioners, nurses, and pharmacists. Non-clinical group consists of administration staff and marketing staff. We initiated the program by conducting grand round, document assessment, and interview with several employees to get a glimpse of current situation so that we could provide training and education based on our findings. The situational analysis revealed that employees had not implemented travel medicine practice in accordance with international standard. Moreover, employees had not exposed with hospital code of ethics issues by Indonesian Hospital Association. We proceeded with workshop regarding travel medicine referring to the body of knowledge introduced by The National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) for clinical group and hospital ethical codes referring to hospital ethical codes introduced by The Indonesian Hospital Association for non-clinical group.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Made Indra Wijaya I Made Aditya Mantara Putra Luh Gede Pradnyawati Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 76 80 Empowerment of Local Workers at CV. Amg Farm and Food Garden Banjar Manik Gunung Selanbawak Village Marga District Tabanan Regency <p>As an institution of higher education, Warmadewa University must be able to ensure that it always obeys the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in accordance with the vision and mission that has been determined. Now every lecturer is encouraged to be able to package community service activities both in groups and individually which will show concern for the community. Community service activities can be carried out by enlightening by providing legal counseling and consultation, socialization and assistance to the community in various fields of life in the economic field. One of the things that should be observed in the service carried out at CV. AMG Farm and Food Garden Banjar Manik Gunung, Selanbawak Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency, with the existence of an organic culinary business must empower local workers to the surrounding community because it has a high potential for business development. Realizing the importance of workers for the Company, Government and Community, it is necessary to think so that workers can maintain their safety in carrying out their work. In the implementation of development, workers have an important role and meaning as a supporting element for the success of national development in general and regional development in particular. &nbsp;The main objective of this research is to address the challenges faced by the organic culinary business CV. AMG Farm and Food Garden Banjar Manik Gunung Selanbawak Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency. The method of data collection that uses in this Program are Semi-Structured Interviews and Focus Group Discussions.</p> Ni Gusti Ketut Sri astiti Desak Gde Dwi Arini Nengah Ganawati Ni Made Dwi Wulandari Dwi Nova Indriyani Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 81 85 Overcoming Legal Language Barriers: Translation and Legal Education in Multilingual Communities <p>Permasalahan yang dibahas adalah kesulitan yang dihadapi masyarakat berbahasa non-resmi dalam memahami informasi hukum yang disampaikan dalam bahasa resmi. Hambatan bahasa ini dapat mengakibatkan ketidakadilan, ketidakmerataan akses terhadap sistem peradilan, dan kerentanan terhadap pelanggaran hak-hak mereka. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi yang efektif untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Solusi yang diusulkan adalah melalui penerjemahan dan penyuluhan hukum dalam komunitas multibahasa. Penerjemahan hukum menjadi strategi penting untuk memastikan informasi hukum dapat diakses dalam bahasa yang dipahami oleh masyarakat berbahasa non-resmi. Hal ini memungkinkan mereka untuk memahami hak-hak dan kewajiban mereka dalam sistem hukum yang relevan. Penyuluhan hukum dalam bahasa yang dipahami oleh masyarakat multibahasa juga penting dalam meningkatkan pemahaman hukum dan kesadaran hukum di kalangan mereka. Pendekatan interaktif dan partisipatif dalam penyuluhan hukum dapat memberikan manfaat yang signifikan. Metode pelaksanaan penelitian ini melibatkan kolaborasi antara ahli hukum, penerjemah, dan anggota komunitas multibahasa. Kegiatan meliputi penerjemahan dokumen hukum yang relevan, penyusunan materi penyuluhan hukum, serta pelaksanaan sesi penyuluhan di dalam komunitas multibahasa. Teknologi juga dimanfaatkan sebagai alat bantu dalam penerjemahan dan diseminasi informasi hukum. Hasil dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman hukum dan kesadaran hukum di kalangan masyarakat berbahasa non-resmi. Melalui penerjemahan dan penyuluhan hukum dalam komunitas multibahasa, diharapkan masyarakat dapat memperoleh akses yang lebih baik terhadap informasi hukum dan dapat melindungi hak-hak mereka dengan lebih efektif.</p> Epos Sister Selan Krismon Dakhi Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 86 90 10.55637/csjl.2.2.7910.86-90 Advancing Human Rights through Legal Advocacy in Community Service Projects <p>The protection and promotion of human rights are critical challenges in today’s global society, with social injustices and systemic inequalities affecting numerous individuals and communities. Legal advocacy in community service projects has gained attention as a means to address human rights issues at the grassroots level. This research aims to explore the multifaceted aspects of advancing human rights through legal advocacy in community service projects, bridging the gap between theory and practice. A mixed-method research approach is adopted, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. A Literature Review provides theoretical foundations, while Case Studies analyze community service initiatives with a human rights focus. Focus Group Discussions and Surveys gather data from stakeholders to understand the impact of legal advocacy interventions. The research reveals the transformative potential of legal advocacy in advancing human rights. Case studies show improvements in human rights conditions, empowering vulnerable communities through legal information and representation. Focus Group Discussions highlight increased awareness and agency among participants, challenging discriminatory practices. Survey data corroborates the effectiveness of legal advocacy in addressing human rights issues and promoting systemic change.</p> Riskayani Djamaleng Indah Permata Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 2 2 91 95 PKM Empowerment and Preservation of Local Cultural Arts of Bali Dewi Ratih Dance Studio in Banjar Busana Kaja, Baha Village, Mengwi Sub-District, Badung District <p>As an institution of higher education, Warmadewa University must ensure that it always obeys the Tridharma of Higher Education in accordance with the vision and mission that has been determined. Now every lecturer is encouraged to be able to package community service activities both in groups and individually which will show concern for the community. Community service activities can be carried out by enlightening by providing legal counseling and consultation and assistance to the community in various fields of life in the economic field. Empowerment, preservation and legal protection of Dewi Ratih Balinese Dance Studio in Banjar Busana Kaja, Baha Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency are very important to maintain the existence of an art studio and keep their work from being claimed by other parties. With the issuance of the operational permit for Dewi Ratih Busana Kaja Dance Studio in 2019, therefore through the community partnership program, the PKM Team of the Faculty of Law, Warmadewa University Denpasar provided assistance in drafting a cooperation agreement with other parties. This aims to have authentic evidence that the Balinese dance studio Dewi Ratih is officially an association of organizations with legal status. In addition, as a legal entity, Dewi Ratih Balinese dance studio in Banjar Busana Kaja has rights and obligations as a legal subject, which will be entitled to receive cooperation with other parties and grant programs from both private and government parties.</p> Desak Gde Dwi Arini Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna Ni Ketut Sukiani Putu Dyah Agung Mas Narayana Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 2 2 96 101 PKM Community Empowerment and Preservation of Tourism Villages on Krisna Souvenirs in Blangsinga Village, Blahbatuh Sub-District, Gianyar District <p>In the Decree of the Regent of Gianyar, one of the Tourism Villages in Gianyar Regency is Saba Tourism Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency. Saba Tourism Village has tourism businesses such as: Nature Tourism, Cultural Tourism, and Artificial Tourism. Saba Village, has five (5) Traditional Villages and eight (8) banjar Dinas. One of the traditional villages is Blangsinga Traditional Village, which has the power to manage the Blangsinga Tourism Village, with well-known tourism businesses, namely natural attractions of waterfalls and Glass Bridges. Partner Issues: 1). There is no written agreement between the Customary Village of Blangsinga Tourism Village and Krisna Souvenirs Business related to community empowerment of Blangsinga Tourism Village. And 2). There is no optimal preservation of the Tourism Village, so how to preserve the Blangsinga Tourism Village so that it is still able to attract foreign and domestic tourists to come to the Blangsinga Tourism Village. The research method used is empirical legal research, namely by collecting primary data through observation, interviews, and distributing questionnaires. After the primary data is collected, it is processed, using qualitative methods and analyzed with descriptive analytical techniques to get conclusions with accurate data. Blangsinga Tourism Village, is a tourism village that has natural attractions of waterfalls, as well as the Glass Bridge, besides that in the Blangsinga Tourism Village area there is a business by Krisna, in order to empower and preserve the Blangsinga Tourism Village.</p> Desak Gde Dwi Arini Copyright (c) 2023 Community Service Journal of Law 2023-08-31 2023-08-31 2 2 102 106